[spambayes-dev] button ideas (oh boy)

Seth Goodman sethg at GoodmanAssociates.com
Fri Oct 1 07:17:55 CEST 2004

> From: Tony Meyer
> Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 7:41 PM


> Since this, there have been more instances of people getting
> confused by the word "Delete" in "Delete as Spam".  I'm very much +1
> on changing to "Spam" and "Not Spam" to (a) reduce confusion,
> (b) gain space, and (c) allow them to appear in all folders.
> IIRC, this wouldn't take very much work - a couple of small code
> changes and the various docs.  I think the name change is worthwhile
> for (a) and (b) even if we don't go with (c).  This would be only on
> CVS head (i.e. 1.1), obviously, not for 1.0.x.
> Does anyone have any objections?  Otherwise I'll just go ahead and make
> these changes (either Sunday or Monday).

Great feature.  Please try to do c).

> > Keeping in mind that we can only train a given message once,
> > we'll probably still need to dynamically determine which buttons
> > are available for each message.  Disabling inappropriate buttons
> > might be better than removing them so that the toolbar isn't
> > bouncing around as the user moves to different messages in the
> > folder.
> [...]
> > If I get a chance, I'll have a look at what it would take to
> > check the state each time the user changes the message selection.
> > I've considered trying something like this several times, but
> > just haven't gotten around to it.
> I'm still +0 on this (-0 if it's removing the buttons rather than
> disabling).  However, if it really doesn't take much processing
> power and a suitable rule for selection of multiple messages can
> be found, I have no objections.

If it's a lot of trouble, and it probably is, don't even bother disabling
the buttons.  Leave that for some future release when there's nothing left
to do (that'll be real soon now).  Just take the single or multiple
selection and do the action on any messages that it applies to.  It would
still be a big improvement to have both buttons in all folders.  If you
select a message in the spam folder that is already trained as spam and hit
the spam button, nothing will happen, but so what?  At least you can train
on spam messages that didn't score very spammy without first moving them to
the unsure folder.  Likewise for ham messages that didn't score very hammy.

> The problem, I guess, is that there is no feedback when clicking "Spam" in
> the spam folder (etc), since the message doesn't move (although
> it would be rescored, I think, so if you have the spam column, you'd might
> see a change).  So maybe I will look into disabling, but Kenny can still
> beat me to it... <wink>.

I think the change in score would be a good enough indicator that something
happened.  If you guys eventually adopt TTE, perhaps training multiple times
on a message would be something you want to do.


Seth Goodman

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