[spambayes-dev] cant live without xmlrpcserver

Toby Dickenson tdickenson at geminidataloggers.com
Wed Mar 24 03:33:33 EST 2004

I run spambayes out of procmail.

Originally I used xmlrpcserver, but eventually gave it up to avoid issues with 
daemon issues; starting the daemon running, remembering to restart it after 
hacking spambayes code, and issues of having my large daemon running even 
when I wasnt logged in.

Since giving it up I have noticed (but not measured) a reduction in 
classification throughput. I guess this is due to overheads of starting a 
whole new process for each classification.

What I *think* I want is an sb_filter-like process that will use an existing 
sb_xmlrpcserver daemon if it can, start a new deamon if it cant, and the 
deamon to shut itself down after a period of inactivity. Has anyone else any 
desires (or code ;-) for something similar?

Toby Dickenson

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