[spambayes-dev] Re: unicode error in sb_dbexpimp.py

T. Alexander Popiel popiel at wolfskeep.com
Tue Mar 9 19:18:37 EST 2004

In message:  <16462.19306.489664.552012 at montanaro.dyndns.org>
             Skip Montanaro <skip at pobox.com> writes:
>A better solution, IMO, would be to use the csv module.  I have a patch
>ready to check in.  Unfortunately that would restrict sb_dbexpimp.py to
>Python 2.3 or greater.  Feedback?

I fear I'm nearly alone in my insistence on 2.2 compatibility;
unfortunately, there is no more recent python packaged for
Debian stable systems (and 2.1 is still default there!).  If we
start requiring more recent python, I will have a very annoying
time working around the packaging system to use it... (and/or
figuring out how to backport and package a more recent python
from testing/unstable).

- Alex

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