[spambayes-dev] Difference between X-Spambayes-MailId and Message-id

papaDoc papaDoc at videotron.ca
Wed Mar 3 11:23:34 EST 2004


>> So unlikely to be of much use to sb_filter.py unless Remi can provide 
>> some
>> motivation.
This is my motivation. I'm using sb_server and sb_filter

At work usually I get my mail from my server (POP server) at home whose 
running sb_filter with procmail for 3 users.
But sometime the server  is not responding (Hey it is an old 486 so you 
can't ask to much, P.S.  If you have spare equipment  you can send it my 
way  <wink>) so I switch to sb_server at work until I got back home and 
reboot or solve the problem.

I want to be able to move the database and the trained ham and spam from 
computers so they need the same information.
Like oops I trained on a spam has ham 2 days ago with the sb_server web 
interface.  So I send the mail to my server saying
it is a spam not a ham

Skip said:

> sb_filter.py is just that, a filter, so it doesn't save any state about
> messages it processes.  It's unlikely that it will see the same message
> again later except in a retraining scenario, in which case you would
> probably want it to forget everything it knew about the message from
> previous training.

Tim> Yup, then I'd say there's no possible reason for it to insert the 
mailid header.

I want to do something similar to the sb_server but using sb_filter and 
sb_mboxtrain and some part of smtpproxy.py and procmail

This is my setup
My ISP allow me to have n different  address   (papaDoc at videotron.ca, 
x at videotron.ca, y at videotron.ca) but it saves them
in the same account.

So fethmail mail grab all the mails.
Procmail starts working it use sb_filter to filter the mail.The spam is 
sent to a spam account on my server. The spam and unsure
are sent to the different users. (I receive a copy of all the unsure so 
I can train on them I don't expect my users to send me the unsure).
All the mail is cached to a directory for z days.
I want to be able to send back the unsure or misclassified mail to the 
following addresses  papaDoc:spam at videotron.ca and
papaDoc:ham at videotron.ca.
Procmail see them as training mail call something (This may be a part of 
smptproxy taking email from command line instead of
listening to a port) then grab the mail from the cache and train.

Is this a good setup. Do you have something simpler to suggest ?


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