[spambayes-dev] Windows implementation using Commandline(forSpamBayes)

Kenny Pitt kennypitt at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 14 16:45:27 CEST 2004

Rob McEwen wrote:
> (2) I discovered that the scripts would not run unless I copied the
> particular script from the script folder to the base folder. Was that
> correct? If so, should I have deleted the original file for that
> script which I left in the scripts folder? (When I attempted to run
> the script from the scripts folder, I got an error message saying
> that stuff was not found.)     

If you go to the root of your source tree and run the command "python
setup.py install", it will copy all the required pieces into your Python
installation directory.  You can then run scripts from the Python\Scripts
directory and everything should be found.

If you want to run directly from the source directory, just set the
environment variable PYTHONPATH=<root of source tree> before running and you
should be fine.

Kenny Pitt

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