[spambayes-dev] Newbie

Greg Kavalec Greg at Kavalec.com
Thu Jan 15 11:18:02 EST 2004

Good morning

I have just joined up and am very green on the whole Bayesian statistics
arena, so be kind.

My dumb question...

The following kinds of subjects often get past SB...

	why get Vi`agra when you can get super Vi-agra

	p.r.i.c.e.s are v.a.l.i.d until 16th of J.a.n.u.a.r.y

Can SB do its magic based on a modified text, i.e. all non-alpha



Or is this already happening?

G.Waleed Kavalec

We live in a world where nothing is impossible, except peace and
happiness. ~~~

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