[spambayes-dev] Another incremental training idea...

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Wed Jan 14 06:22:29 EST 2004

    >> So you don't train on unsures?

    Barry> Oh sorry, yes I do move unsure to my ham or spam train folders as
    Barry> I deal with them.  Those numbers are going down (and now skew
    Barry> heavily toward spam) as I've started to train on both the wrapped
    Barry> and unwrapped spam messages (wrapped as ham, unwrapped as spam).

There's another new term (at least to me).  What do "wrapped" and
"unwrapped" mean?  I'm going to guess that "wrapped spam" is a false
negative and "unwrapped spam" is a correctly scored spam, but the connection
between what the terms (apparently) mean and choice of "wrapped" to describe
that meaning escapes me.

Maybe I need more sleep...


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