[spambayes-dev] patch to improve statistics from spambayes

Seth Goodman sethg at GoodmanAssociates.com
Fri Feb 27 14:32:52 EST 2004

> [Kenny Pitt]
> """
> SpamBayes has classified a total of 1223 messages:
>     827 ham (67.6% of total)
>     333 spam (27.2% of total)
>     63 unsure (5.2% of total)
> 1125 messages were classified correctly (92.0% of total)
> 35 messages were classified incorrectly (2.9% of total)
>     0 false positives (0.0% of total)
>     35 false negatives (2.9% of total)
> 6 unsures trained as ham (9.5% of unsures)
> 56 unsures trained as spam (88.9% of unsures)
> 1 unsure was not trained (1.6% of unsures)
> A total of 760 messages have been trained:
>     346 ham (98.3% ham, 1.7% unsure, 0.0% false positives)
>     414 spam (78.0% spam, 13.5% unsure, 8.5% false negatives)
> """

That looks very useful, concise and complete.


Seth Goodman

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