[spambayes-dev] getting rid of the "new mail" icon

Kenny Pitt kennypitt at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 19 13:02:31 EST 2004

Glenn Brown wrote:
> Wouldn't this problem be much simpler if spambayes added its own icon
> instead of trying to tweak Outlook's broken one?  A simple
> implementation would be
> 	Ham detected: add icon
> 	icon clicked: activate Outlook and remove icon

Seems simple, doesn't it? <wink>  But what about the following?

- Open Outlook without clicking the SpamBayes tray icon and
  read all the mail.  How do we detect that we should remove
  the tray icon?

- What about messages that are processed by Outlook rules with
  background filtering enabled, and are never seen by SpamBayes?

- How about messages received in folders that SpamBayes isn't
  configured to filter?

That said, this approach could be reasonably effective depending on how
you use Outlook.  InBoxer (which is based on SpamBayes) does something
like this.  I guess that's what configuration options are for.

The problem is, I don't think any of the volunteers here are interested
enough in having this feature to sign up for the effort to implement it.
If someone wants to write up a patch for it, I'm sure it would be given
serious consideration for including in a future release.

Kenny Pitt

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