[spambayes-dev] Problem with 1.0a9 Windows installer?

Kenny Pitt kennypitt at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 18 09:21:05 EST 2004

Tony Meyer wrote:
> [Kenny]
>> OK, I've taken a look and it appears that registering
>> the addin using the outlook_addin_register executable
>> during install does two things differently than
>> registering the addin DLL directly with regsvr32:
>> * outlook_addin_register sets the DLL path in InprocServer32
>> to "pythoncom23.dll", while regsvr32 sets it to
>> "<installation_path>\bin\outlook_addin.dll"
> Did you ever figure out what was causing this?  I have an Excel
> plug-in that uses the same registration trickery as the Outlook
> plug-in's addin.py (guess where the code came from <wink>), and I ran
> into this problem today;

No, I rebuilt my installer using the released version of py2exe but then
I got tied up and didn't get around to testing it.  I'll go give it a
try right now, and if I still have the original problem then I'll try
your fix and see if it makes a difference for me.

Kenny Pitt

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