[spambayes-dev] Capitalization of SpamBayes

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Thu Feb 5 17:07:49 EST 2004

[Kenny Pitt]
>> What is the preferred capitalization of our name: "SpamBayes" or
>> "Spambayes"?  It's used very inconsistently throughout the docs and
>> even the web UI's, and I'd like to get that cleaned up.

[Barry Warsaw]
> I personally don't like capword spellings like this (hence "Mailman"
> not as commonly mispelled "MailMan"), so I'd prefer "Spambayes".
> Just one guy's opinion, though.

I always spelled it "spambayes", because that's the fastest to type.

Most people seem to spell it SpamBayes, so I've tried to play along for
consistency's sake.  If we have to pick just one, I'd *like* to be with
Barry:  Spambayes looks less atrocious than SpamBayes.  But Bayes is a
proper noun, unlike the "man" Barry inherited.  SpamFisher would be a more
accurate name at this point (we've got more to do with a theorem of Fisher's
than of Bayes's!).

Let me know if I can clear anything else up <wink>.

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