[spambayes-dev] spambayes.org

Tony Meyer ta-meyer at ihug.co.nz
Sat Sep 27 23:21:10 EDT 2003

> Did spambayes.org die after all?  I haven't been able to connect
> to it for a few days now (although spambayes.sf.net works fine).

[Skip, Rob and Kenny assert that it works for them] 

Looks like it's just me then, I suppose.  Odd.  A tracert dies at
gandi-gw.cdg4.fr.mfnx.net [].  The "gandi" bit was in addresses
that Skip and Rob mentioned, so it looks like it's getting close.
Presumably something that will sort itself out, then.

Thanks for confirming that it's me, though :)

=Tony Meyer

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