[spambayes-dev] Test windows binaries available

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Tue Sep 16 05:29:43 EDT 2003

I've put another zip of binaries at

This version is pretty much complete!  Features over the previous version:

* Lastest CVS - includes latest "pop3tray controlling the service" code.

* 3 sub-directories - "outlook" (with the Outlook addin, all doc files etc),
"proxy" (with the 3 proxy related executables) and "lib" (with Python and
all extensions etc)

* Outlook addin works 100% - better than the existing binary in a couple of
areas.  Addin docs are all included.

As with last time, it is from current CVS - no additional smarts have been
added - so the behaviour should be identical to running from source code.

The multiple directories will make it trivial to create an installer - the
"lib" directory is always installed, and the "outlook" and "proxy"
directories can simply be included or excluded in their entirity.

I'm of the impression that even without a proper "installer", this .zip file
should be suitable for anyone who runs the source-code version - the same
basic bugs, issues and considerations will apply.

Existing Outlook users: You can test it too - simply register the new DLL
("regsvr32 outlook\spambayes_addin.dll" and restart Outlook.  To go back to
the version you were using, just re-register the old one ("addin.py"
sourcecode, "regsvr32 old_spambayes_dir\spambayes_addin.dll" for binary

Please let me know if you try it.


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