[spambayes-dev] Re: [Spambayes] how spambayes handlesimage-onlyspams

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Tue Sep 9 18:23:24 EDT 2003

> BTW, everyone, I expect it's time to make that the default setting
> for address_headers.  It *is* the default in the Outlook client
> (and has been for a long time).  We looked only at "From" in the
> early days because some of the others were killer-strong clues for
> bogus reasons

[Matthew Dixon Cowles]
> I expect that you're right about that. But I'd like to suggest that
> whoever implements the change make it pretty obvious in the
> documentation that that's the case.

That's a reasonable request.

> My reasoning is that I read various postmaster and webmaster addresses.
> Spammers love to spam those addresses and they'd quickly become strong
> spam clues. But it's important that I see what little legitimate mail
> is sent to them.

Indeed, things like webmaster at python.org and help at python.org *are* strong
spam/worm/virus clues in my databases now, especially after the recent
Sobig.F blitz.  Happily it doesn't matter that much, as all clues have the
same weight; this is the flip side of complaints that spambayes doesn't
instantly treat all email to me at my.org as ham after training on one of 'em.

Training will sort it out over time.  For now, I think of my Unsure folder
as my webmaster/python-help folder <0.6 wink>.

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