[spambayes-dev] Re: [Spambayes] how spambayes handles image-onlyspams

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Mon Sep 8 18:55:23 EDT 2003

> Okay, I'm really green at this, although I occasionally am able to
> make some tiny changes to Perl scripts if I'm careful. I was thinking
> that the To: address is probably a really good clue to work with, so
> I'd like a couple of hints as to where in tokenizer.py I should be
> looking.

I recommend you just inculde this line in your .ini file (I'm not sure how
you use spambayes, so can't tell you exactly where that is):

address_headers: from to cc sender reply-to

By default, all of those except the "From:" header are ignored.  Including
"to" on the line (as shown) will cause the "To:" header to get tokenized

> Basically, messages that are sent to one of my actual e-mail
> addresses are mostly ham, messages that are sent to some other
> address and get to me by bcc are almost always spam, and those that
> are cc'd to me are probably a mix.

spambayes will figure out the truth about cc in your data, and "cc" is in
the list above too.

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