[spambayes-dev] pop3proxy execution "rules" on Windows

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Sat Sep 6 15:10:30 EDT 2003

> * pop3proxy etc data is stored in the per-user "{Application 
> Data}\SpamBayesProxy" (ie, next to the "SpamBayes" directory 
> used by Outlook.  It could be "SpamBayes\Proxy", but I see no 
> good reason to mix the data up.  I think we all agreed this 
> (bar the specific name!)

Is there any reason not to just put it in "{Application Data}\SpamBayes"
along with the Outlook stuff?

> Further, as we are using sockets, there is no way we can
> determine what user is at the other end of the connection. 
> Hence a single service instance can not service multiple clients
> (as it won't know what user database to use for the request).

Well, we could change things so that it can determine who is at the
other end, although this might get too complicated.  The user could
specify not only the server to proxy, but also the accounts that will be
used on that server, and then the proxy could eavesdrop on the
authentication and select the appropriate database.

For example, I set up the proxy to proxy to pop.ihug.co.nz, and tell it
that I'll be using ["ta-meyer", "t-meyer", and "tameyer"], and when a
connection is made (through the proxy) to pop.ihug.co.nz, the proxy sees
"USER tameyer" and uses my database.  When it sees "USER libby", it uses
someone else's, or none.

Although this adds to the complication of setup, this information could
be determined by the autoconfigure script very easily.  It could also
have a default database that is used when it doesn't recognise the
username (which would also allow people to share databases if that was
what they wanted).

All the rest of the stuff that the two of you have said makes sense
(more-or-less ;).  I'll leave you to figure it out :p

=Tony Meyer

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