[spambayes-dev] Next Release

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Fri Oct 31 09:31:37 EST 2003

    Tony> If anyone feels like it, it occured to me (today) that there are
    Tony> probably a couple of fixes (the which_database ones, particularly)
    Tony> that could be copied over to the 1_0 branch, but it doesn't matter
    Tony> much if they aren't.

I'm kind of confused about the cvs branches.  I'm used to the way the Python
cvs is done.  There are very few branches leading up to a release.  It's
real obvious when that happens because the release manager posts dire
warnings about not modifying that branch.  After a minor release a new
maintenance branch is created.

How are we doing cvs branches?  What branches are currently active?  What
does the main trunk correspond to?


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