[spambayes-dev] Another trick?

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Mon Oct 27 12:21:23 EST 2003

(originally sent 11 Oct, but it bounced, then sat...)

Got a message (attached including debug evidence) today which scored 0.15
for me.  It consistend of a multipart MIME message (text/plain followed by
text/html).  The text/plain stuff was innocuous.  The text/html part had a
small amount of text and a doubly-encoded URL.  It started out like:


After replacing the numeric entities I got:


After replacing the HTML encoded characters, I was left with:


As you might imagine, this did a fairly good job of obscuring clues in the
URL.  It might make sense to do a reasonable amount of decoding of HTML
before splitting into tokens.


-------------- next part --------------
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Subject: Lo-ng (and Stro'ng al)l _Night vhqh_cc
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