[spambayes-dev] EEEK - no gencache .dat file!

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Fri Oct 10 00:36:51 EDT 2003

> I'm trying to build the spambayes Outlook plugin
> and crank.py reports:
> Can't list H:\dev\spambayes\Outlook2000\installer\dist\support\gen_py
> EEEK - no gencache .dat file!

I could have sworn that there was a message just like this in the last few
days, but I can't find it in the archives, so maybe I'm wrong.  If I am
remembering correctly, then you should use the version of the installer
that's on Mark's website, rather than the official release.  BTW Mark's also
intending to build the next spambayes binary release with py2exe rather than
installer (the necessary scripts for that are also in cvs, although I'm not
sure they work with the released py2exe, or if Mark has a yet-to-be-released
version that he's built with the py2exe author).

=Tony Meyer

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