[spambayes-dev] Tricky false positive: US states

T. Alexander Popiel popiel at wolfskeep.com
Fri Oct 3 12:02:45 EDT 2003

In message:  <s7dqnvk0psh7sdamkis8rli8aavq6185u2 at 4ax.com>
             Richie Hindle <richie at entrian.com> writes:
>[ Ah, no, hang on, I *do* have an idea, but it's mostly outside the remit
>  of Spambayes.  Mail that never went outside my organisation shouldn't be
>  marked as spam.  All the Received headers show the mail moving within my
>  organisation.  So I want some kind of plug-in system whereby I can use
>  the Spambayes tokeniser, header analysis and so on to make my own
>  decisions that override the classifier.  Once my army of winged monkeys
>  has finished their Python training course I'll get them onto it. ]

Heh.  Along similar lines, the thing that I'd find most useful at the
moment is marking as spam any message that is multipart/alternative,
and the 80% or more of the words from the plaintext portion do not
appear in the HTML version.  (As a less draconian/better version of
this, under the same circumstances, ignore the plaintext part entirely
for both scoring and training.)

- Alex

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