[spambayes-dev] Native Outlook 2003 spam filtering

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Sun Nov 16 02:23:55 EST 2003

Some geeks with too much time on their hands reverse-engineered huge parts
of OL2003's secret spam gimmicks, and wrote a detailed account:


As always, the first release of a thing from MS is so bizarre that
competitors are lulled into laughing MS off.  For example, the dictionary of
words and word weights is fixed:  it doesn't learn, and it's the same for
all users.  So, if you're a spammer, you just mail your spam to your own
OL2K+3, and fiddle it until the filter likes it.  Then all OL3K-997
installations will like it.

If anyone knows Bill Gates, please tell him he's welcome to use our code for
free <wink>.

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