[spambayes-dev] Next to no feedback on the trial faq

Tim Stone tim at fourstonesexpressions.com
Fri May 30 12:53:51 EDT 2003

On Fri, 30 May 2003 11:34:54 -0500, Skip Montanaro <skip at pobox.com> wrote:

> (spambayes-dev now seems to have enough people on it to form a quorum of
> sorts (26), so I'm excluding spambayes...)
> I posted URLs yesterday for a trial version of the Spambayes FAQ built 
> using
> Docutils tools:
> http://spambayes.sourceforge.net/faq-rest.txt
> http://spambayes.sourceforge.net/faq-rest.html
> So far, the only person who responded was Bill Parducci.  It's not
> surprising that he responded, because he's the other person who seems to 
> be
> in FAQ maintenance hell at the moment.  Still, I thought one or two other
> people would have responded.

I didn't get my -dev subscription to work till yesterday... not sure what 
happened... anyway, the faq looks very good.  I see that the infoworld 
article brought quite a number of users, and subsequent questions.  We'll 
need to mine the user list for faq regularly.
> The Docutils version has the advantage that it will automagically 
> generate
> the table of contents.  Its main drawback is that there is no explicit 
> faq
> generator script in Docutils, so the format of the questions is a bit
> constrained.
> Before I make an executive decision and simply adopt this new stuff (I
> believe it will be much easier to maintain than the status quo), I would
> like some feedback:
> * Does anyone have a problem that it doesn't follow the ht2html format
> for the spambayes site as a whole?

I don't have a problem with it.

> I can probably worm around this by
> extracting the body of the faq to faq.ht then let the usual ht->html
> dependency work its magic.

This would be more confusing, I would think.

> * Should anyone wanting to update the FAQ be required to install a
> recent version of Docutils or should I somehow worm around that?

Doesn't matter, as long as we can find out somewhere exactly what we gotta 
have and do to update faq.  OOOORRR, we could assume that you and Bill will 
be more than happy to incorporate any q&a we send ya <wink>

c'est moi - TimS

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