[spambayes-dev] Website bug: Inactive links in FAQ

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Wed May 28 00:34:28 EDT 2003

[bill parducci]
> i can fix that...if i could find where the FAQ is in cvs. i have just
> updated /cvsroot/spambayes and don't see it here. is there another
> repository for the website stuff?

It's in the same repository, but in a different "module".  If you look at


you'll see that both "spambayes" and "website" live under the root.  So you
need to cvs checkout the website module:

    cvs -d:...:/cvsroot/spambayes co website

where "..." is whatever gibberish you used to check out the spambayes module
to begin with.  The FAQ will then live on your box as


> also, the link in the faq for:
> "If you have any suggestions about other questions and answers that
> should be included here, please mail the list with them."
> points to spambayes at python.org. should this be directed to
> spambayes-dev?

I don't know, but best guess is "yes".

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