[spambayes-dev] Version information repository

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Mon Jun 9 10:21:03 EDT 2003

> Tony> Main:        0.10, Spambayes Beta1, May 2003
> Tony> Hammie:      0.10, ? Beta1, Jan 2003
> Tony> POP3Proxy:   0.03, Spambayes POP3 Proxy Alpha3, May 2003
> Tony> SMTPProxy:   0.01, Spambayes SMTP Proxy Alpha1, May 2003
> Tony> IMAPFilter:  0.01, Spambayes IMAP Filter Alpha1, May 2003
> Tony> NotesFilter: 0.01, Spambayes Lotus Notes Filter Alpha1, Mar 2003

> I think the POP3Proxy is sufficiently well-tested to be 
> considered beta unless you have some significant known issues 
> which are unresolved.

I was waiting for a comment like this ;)  In the Python world, what's
the difference between alpha & beta?  Is it purely a stability
difference, or does 'feature completion' come into it as well?

The only significant issue I can think of with pop3proxy is the one that
Remi mentioned (i.e. malformed messages), which is really a spambayes
issue more than a pop3proxy one. I think TimS is working on this at the
moment (?).

=Tony Meyer

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