[spambayes-dev] Making the FAQ

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Thu Jul 31 12:17:08 EDT 2003

I'm having difficulty (re)making the FAQ - could someone please check
whether this is something I'm doing, or a problem with the make rules?

1.  Run make so that you have copies of faq.ht and faq.html
2.  Change the FAQ somehow, so that you will be able to recognise the
change (add a question or something).
3.  Run make again so that you (should have) updated copies of faq.ht
and faq.html
4.  Check that your changes are in the new faq.html

This doesn't work for me.  I get the same faq.html that I had before.
To get around this I rm faq.ht and *then* run make, which works.


=Tony Meyer

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