[spambayes-dev] Names

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Mon Jul 14 17:25:52 EDT 2003

I'm going to check in a new spambayes app shortly (discussed a while
back), but I'm not really sure what name to give it.

It acts as both a POP3 proxy (using asyncore) and an IMAP server (using
twisted).  While writing it, I've called it imapserver.py, but that
isn't really accurate, since it's more than just an imap server (and
it's not a full imap server either, just what it needs to be).

Given Greg's comments about names, I'd rather check it in with something
appropriate than have to change it later.  Does anyone have any
suggestions [1]?

=Tony Meyer

[1] Ok, perhaps it would help to know a little bit more, for those that
didn't read the original discussion.  It acts as a POP3 proxy, and
classifies mail as it comes in.  Any mail that is unsure or spam it
intercepts and gives to the IMAP server.  The IMAP server offers folders
for these messages, and also folders to train mail as ham/spam.  (i.e.
in suitable mail clients, like Mozilla or OE, you can train mail by just
dragging it about).

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