[spambayes-dev] siickkk and deprrravved stufff totallly grossssse

Glenn Brown gbrown at alumni.caltech.edu
Mon Dec 22 20:31:43 EST 2003

> [T. Alexander Popiel]
> > Based on these clues, I'd say that you trained on one of these
> > messages as ham.  That'll certainly encourage a ham classification
> > for them.
> Yup, looks certain -- or else Glenn makes some mighty fine distinctions
> about which kinds of porn spam he *wants* to see <wink>.

> [T. Alexander Popiel]
> > Based on these clues, I'd say that you trained on one of these
> > messages as ham.  That'll certainly encourage a ham classification
> > for them.
> Yup, looks certain -- or else Glenn makes some mighty fine distinctions
> about which kinds of porn spam he *wants* to see <wink>.

I had "recovered from spam" that very message before scoring it and sending
the output.  My intention is was to remove the message from the "spam" db,
but I forgot it moved the message to "inbox" instead of "junk suspects".

I'm sure this SNAFU effectively killed this thread, but the meme is planted.
If character repetition attacks become a problem, time will tell, and the
solution is easy...


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