[spambayes-dev] Re: [Spambayes] fatal error?

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Wed Aug 27 00:52:24 EDT 2003

> If the Outlook plugin is executing multiple threads, two of
> which might
> operate on the database simultaneously, I suspect it will have to lock
> access to the db file.  Mark Hammond, does the above comment
> jive with the
> structure of the plugin?

The addin is "mainly" single-threaded - Outlook always calls us from the
same thread.  The only time a second thread is used is by the "training" or
"filtering" dialogs.  If "training" is running, then this thread will be
updating the database - however, in that case, the dialog is up, which is
modal, so there is no way the other thread could be doing a training

The passage you quoted doesn't rule out the possibility that this error
could occur even if only one thread is writing, but another is reading.  If
that is a problem, then yes, we would hit it :)


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