[spambayes-dev] Regarding the WatchGuard article about SpamBayes

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Fri Aug 15 15:14:57 EDT 2003

Neale Pickett sent a copy of your article about SpamBayes to the SpamBayes
developers mailing list.  I skimmed it and thought I would send you a little

1. You mention that it might not scale well for large organizations.  I
   assume you stated this because the Outlook plugin must be installed on
   the users' computers.  I agree installation might be troublesome, however
   on the plus side, since the plugin runs on the client machines, it's not
   going to burn up your mail servers' cpus.  From that perspective it
   probably scales better than a server-based solution.  It also has the
   added functional benefit that unlike most centralized solutions,
   SpamBayes allows each user to define what is and is not spam to them.

2. You linked directly to the 006 version of the installer.  Note that the
   007 version has already been released.  You'd be much better off linking
   to the Windows page on the SpamBayes website:


3. I'm sure most of your readers use Windows & Outlook, but it might be
   worth noting that there are a number of other SpamBayes applications
   which allow you to integrate the technology into other platforms (Unix,
   Mac, etc) or with other mail readers.  In particular, there are POP3 and
   IMAP proxies (both of which are controlled via a web interface) and a
   simple filter which takes a message on stdin, scores it, and writes it to
   stdout with the score carried in a new header.

Skip Montanaro
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