[spambayes-dev] ["WatchGuard LiveSecurity"] Keep Spam at Bay with SpamBayes

Neale Pickett neale at woozle.org
Fri Aug 15 12:52:52 EDT 2003

I thought you folks would like to see the message that went out last
week to WatchGuard's LiveSecurity subscription service.  It goes out to
an audience of 40,000, I'm told.  Maybe something in here for

(Sorry it's all HTML--I'm passing the body along exactly as I recieved

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An embedded message was scrubbed...
From: "WatchGuard LiveSecurity" <WatchGuard_LiveSecurity at example.com>
Subject: LiveSecurity | Keep Spam at Bay with SpamBayes
Date: 8 Aug 2003 11:41:34 -0700
Size: 24202
Url: http://mail.python.org/pipermail/spambayes-dev/attachments/20030815/77a03eaf/attachment.eml

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