[spambayes-dev] Re: [Spambayes] mboxtrain ham headers overwritten

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Fri Aug 15 11:54:27 EDT 2003

    Tys> Ok, found my error, and of course it was stupid but I didn't see it
    Tys> documented anywhere, so here it is.

    Tys> I had the following set in my ~/.spambayesrc
    Tys> [globals]
    Tys> verbose=True

    Tys> This caused the following lines to be added to the start of each
    Tys> e-mail message that got filtered through procmail:

    Tys> """
    Tys> Loading state from /home/gaza/maildata/bayes.db database
    Tys> /home/gaza/maildata/bayes.db is an existing database, with 69 spam and 21 ham
    Tys> """

I think those messages should go to stderr.  storage.py is littered with
prints to stdout when verbose is set.


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