[spambayes-dev] Correction and new question to the FAQ

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Wed Aug 13 10:54:47 EDT 2003

>>>>> "Tony" == Tony Meyer <Meyer> writes:

    >> I added a question and answer about this topic to the FAQ today.  I
    >> also added a toy app to the contrib directory (nway.py) modelled
    >> after hammiefilter.py.

    Tony> Any reason why the FAQ doesn't mention that script?  BTW, did you
    Tony> try the script out?  If so, how did it go, at first glance?

I wrote the FAQ first, then later on decided to give the script a go.  I
just updated the faq.

The script seems to work fine given the minimal amount of testing I've done.
I used the multiple mboxtrain.py runs scheme outlined in the docstring to
create five databases besides my usual spam database.  The inputs were
existing mailboxes specific to each of the five subjects.  I then ran a
small handful of messages from my incoming directory against the nway
script.  It seemed to classify the messages properly.  One Spambayes-related
message that found its way into my normal mbox was correctly classified as
being Python-related.  (It had been sent in private mail, so didn't contain
any of the header flags my procmail recipes look for.)


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