[spambayes-dev] missized fonts

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Wed Aug 13 10:36:42 EDT 2003

I'm adding Ed Rubinsky's Eudora configuration q&a to the FAQ.  I used
``...`` around some text I intended to be displayed in a fixed-width font.
All the text is rendered in my browser (Safari, Mac OS X) in Courier,
however all such text is about half the height of the surrounding regular
text.  Here's how one little snippet is defined in HTML:

    <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">eudoraok.ini</span></tt>

Something needs tweaking in style.css, but I know next to nothing about it.
I added

    TT.literal { 
      font-size: 12pt;

to style.css, because it appeared that the main text is supposed to be
rendered at that size.  The fixed-width text grew, but is still smaller than
the surrounding text.

I checked in a modifies style.css and the updated FAQ, but can someone with
the proper CSS-fu tweak style.css appropriately?



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