[spambayes-dev] Correction and new question to the FAQ

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Wed Aug 13 19:53:32 EDT 2003

> I think the long answer would be more along the lines of this:
> "SpamBayes wasn't designed for that, while POPFile was. 
> However, like any two-state filter, a series of SpamBayes 
> instances could be cascaded to filter into any number of 
> categories, although each would need to be trained. The 
> result might be very effective, but not efficient."

That is a much better answer :)

> Telling anyone to "read through the archives" is cruel, given 
> the volume here.

I should have said "search through the archives", not read.  Googling
for 'site:mail.python.org spambayes "n-way"' brings up lots of posts,
which are probably the relevant ones, or at least a starting point.
(Although the change from "pipermail-21" to "pipermail" breaks almost
all the links, it's fixable by hand).

=Tony Meyer

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