[spambayes-dev] Re: [Spambayes] Slashdotted

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Mon Aug 11 12:04:30 EDT 2003

    Tim> Barry W pointed out that spambayes was "the winner" in this
    Tim> comparative review linked to from slashdot.org today (under the
    Tim> "Comparison of Bayesian POP3 Spam Filters" headline on Slashdot's
    Tim> front page):

    Tim>     http://home.dataparty.no/kristian/reviews/bayesian/

    Tim> Yawn <wink>.

I see that it mentions "even grandma can use it".  I don't suppose your
sisters are grandmas yet, are they?  Perhaps the author was referring to
them. ;-)


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