[spambayes-dev] does SpamBayes work with OutlookRules Wizard ?

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Mon Aug 11 14:25:52 EDT 2003

> > I think that is actually a great long term idea.  By 
> > splitting the "proxy" part out well enough, we could still 
> > move the Spam and Unsure to Outlook folders, and keep the 
> > same level of integration.
> Would you then have Exchange and Hotmail proxies as well?  Or still do
> filtering for them in the same way?

Yeah, we could not proxy them effectively.  But yeah, we could still use
both techniques.  But then we are back where we started for a significant
number of users.

> Does this fit with the 'generic filter' Mark/Sean idea at all?

No impact at all really.

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