[spambayes-dev] "Donations" page for SpamBayes

Kenny Pitt kennypitt at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 5 11:08:20 EDT 2003

Mark Hammond wrote:
> Tim and I have been chatting with the PSF about channeling donations for the
> SpamBayes project their way.  This has come up before on the SpamBayes list,
> with Tim prompting that the PSF would be a good place to send money to!
> Here is my first draft at the page.  Please offer any suggestions you feel
> appropriate.

I'm also cool with the verbage.  Here are a few more corrections in 
addition to those submitted by Neal.

> <p>However, the developers of the software consider the Python Software
> Foundation (PSF) a charity worthy of any donation you feel appropriate.
> Such a donation would not only demonstrate your appreciation of this tool,
> but also to help advance the development of other Open Source tools
"help to advance" might sound better here than "to help advance".  Also, 
"tools" is doubled in "Open Source tools tools".
> tools in the future.</p>
> <h2>About the PSF</h2>
> <p>In summary, the PSF is a non-profit organization devoted to advancing the
> Python programming language.  The PSF is registered as a US charity, so
> all deductions made by US residents will be fully tax deducatable
Did you mean "all donations" here instead of "all deductions"?
> (but see the
> <a href="http://www.python.org/psf/donations.html">PSF donations page</a>
> for specific details).</p>

I think routing donations to the PSF is a great idea.  I don't get to 
code in Python as often as I would like because of the requirements of 
my job (combined with a shortage of free time at home ;-) ), but I would 
love to see it become more widespread.

Kenny Pitt

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