[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes WHAT_IS_NEW.txt,1.36,1.37

Tony Meyer anadelonbrin at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Jan 12 01:55:52 CET 2005

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv18620

Modified Files:
Log Message:
First cut (still needs a lot of work) at a 1.1 version.

Index: WHAT_IS_NEW.txt
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/WHAT_IS_NEW.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.36
retrieving revision 1.37
diff -C2 -d -r1.36 -r1.37
*** WHAT_IS_NEW.txt	16 Dec 2004 17:43:50 -0000	1.36
--- WHAT_IS_NEW.txt	12 Jan 2005 00:55:48 -0000	1.37
*** 1,6 ****
  This file covers the major changes between each release.  For more details,
  the reader is referred to the changelog (CHANGELOG.TXT in the main directory
! of the archive), or for extreme details, to the check-ins archive (see
! <http://mail.python.org/pipermail/spambayes-checkins>)
  Changes are broken into sections, so that it's easier for you to find the
--- 1,6 ----
  This file covers the major changes between each release.  For more details,
  the reader is referred to the changelog (CHANGELOG.TXT in the main directory
! of the source archive), or for extreme details, to the check-ins archive
! (see <http://mail.python.org/pipermail/spambayes-checkins>).
  Changes are broken into sections, so that it's easier for you to find the
*** 8,22 ****
  Any actions necessary to move to this release from the previous release are
! noted in the "Transition" section.  You should also read the "Incompatible
! changes" section.
! New in 1.0 Release Candiate 1
! =============================
! --------------------------
! ** Incompatible changes **
! --------------------------
! There should be no incompatible changes (from 1.0b1) in this release.
--- 8,31 ----
  Any actions necessary to move to this release from the previous release are
! noted in the "Incompatible changes and Transitioning" section.
! Note that this is an alpha release, intended for those willing to try out
! very cutting edge software.  It is likely that there are a few unresolved
! bugs with this release.  If you would rather wait for a more stable release
! to have the new features here, please continue to use 1.0.2 until 1.1 final
! is released.
! New in 1.1 Alpha 1
! ==================
! --------------------------------------------
! ** Incompatible changes and Transitioning **
! --------------------------------------------
! There should be no incompatible changes (from 1.0.2) in this release.
! If you are transitioning from a version older than 1.0.2, please
! read the notes in the previous release notes (accessible from
! <http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=61702>).
*** 25,54 ****
  Outlook Plugin
!  o Default buttons in some dialogs have been corrected.
! IMAP Filter
! -----------
!  o The code that allows the filter to keep going when a message cannot
!    be parsed correctly has been strengthened.  If the filter crashed
!    with a "TypeError" when processing some messages, this should fix
!    that problem.
!  o If the move_trained_[ham|spam]_to_folder options were used, this
!    would wipe out the SpamBayes headers.  This is now fixed.
! General
! -------
!  o Added -R/--reverse flag to tte.py
!  o Fix an error that stopped the notes filter working at all in many cases.
!  o sb_filter and sb_bnfilter now better handle messages that fail to
!    correctly parse.
! Transition
! ==========
! If you are transitioning from a version older than 1.0b1, please
! read the notes in the previous release notes (accessible from
! <http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=61702>).
--- 34,146 ----
+ General
+ -------
+  o Localisations (translations of the user interface) of SpamBayes are
+    now available.  1.1 includes French and Spanish translations - many
+    thanks to the translators for their efforts.  If you would like to
+    add a translation in a new language (or dialect), please contact the
+    SpamBayes development team at spambayes-dev at python.org.  For Windows
+    users, SpamBayes will use the same language as the operating system
+    is set to use (if available).  This can be overridden (or set, for
+    non-Windows users) via the configuration file.
+  o The version number scheme has been improved and simplified.
+  o Many more unittests have been added.  For the end user, this should
+    mean that changes in later versions are much less likely to break
+    existing functionality.
+  o New storage types are available: CDBClassifier (uses a CDB database,
+    similar to that used by CdbClassifier, but not identical),
+    ZODBClassifier (uses a ZODB FileStorage object) and ZEOClassifier
+    (connects to a ZEO server).
+  o The "use bigrams" option is no longer experimental, although is still
+    off by default.
  Outlook Plugin
!  o The Manager dialog is enlarged (at least 800x600 resolution is needed
!    to view it - 640x480 users will need to continue with 1.0.2) and
!    enhanced to (among other things) include a new "Statistics" tab.
!  o Enhance the "Show Clues" message.  This now includes information about
!    the last time the message was trained or classified.
!  o For messages received from a local Exchange server, which have no
!    Internet headers, we now generate more (and better) headers from the
!    available message properties.
!  o Statistics are vastly improved.  More statistics are reported, and
!    these are persistent across Outlook sessions.  The statistics may
!    be 'reset' so that they are calculated from a specified date and time.
!  o Enable movement/copying of ham (good) messages, like the existing
!    functionality for unsure/spam messages.
!  o The "Delete As Spam" button is now simply "Spam", and the
!    "Recover From Spam" button simply "Not Spam".
!  o Notification sounds can now be set.
!  o The SpamBayes menu now includes an "Empty Spam Folder" option.
!  o Outlook users can now use a variety of different underlying database
!    storage methods, in the same fashion as non-Outlook users.
! POP3 Proxy (sb_server.py)
! -------------------------
!  o POP over SSL is partially available.  The connection from the mail
!    client to sb_server still cannot be over SSL, but the connection
!    from sb_server to the mail server can be.  The latter is more likely
!    to be at risk (as it is more likely to be non-local), so is the
!    more important, as well as the easier to implement.
!  o "Subject" (and "To") notations are removed from messages before display
!    in the review pages and before training such messages.
!  o The "To" header notations are in a new form, which is correctly an
!    email address.
!  o A particular type of malformed message (one with no header-body
!    separator) would pass through SpamBayes without classification, or
!    a X-Spambayes-Exception header.  This is no longer the case.
! Web interface (sb_server.py and sb_imapfilter.py)
! -------------------------------------------------
!  o Improve the "More Statistics" page.  More statistics are reported, and
!    the statistics may be 'reset' so that they are calculated from a
!    specified date and time.
!  o A new option "Use bigrams" is available from the Advanced Configuration
!    page.
!  o Various minor fixes and improvements.
+ IMAP Filter (sb_imapfilter.py)
+ ------------------------------
+  o Use the "Message-ID" header as the SpamBayes ID (when possible).  This
+    means that the IMAP filter should not need to rewrite nearly as many
+    messages (hopefully, should need to rewrite no ham messages), and should
+    also work faster and more reliably.
+  o A ham folder may now be specified, like the spam and unsure folders.
+  o Continue on (skipping) if a folder is unable to be acccesed for training
+    or filtering.
+  o Many minor fixes and improvements.
! sb_pop3dnd.py
! -------------
! Many improvements.  Should now be useable.  Binary now included.  Tray
! app now included.
!  o Spam classification and spam training have been separated out into
!    separate folders.
!  o No longer uses the web interface.  Configuration is available via
!    a dialog, training is via drag and drop between IMAP folders, and
!    information is provided in the "Inbox" IMAP folder.
! New
! ---
!  o Andrew Dalke's sb_culler.py script (an updated version) is now
!    included in the source distribution.
!  o The new hammie2cdb.py script converts standard spambayes.Storage
!    databases into cdb databases usable by CdbClassifier.
!  o The new postfixproxy.py script is a proxy filter for use with
!    PostFix 2.1's content filter functionality.
!  o The new pycksum.py script is a fuzzy checksum program.
! Other
! -----
!  o The sb_upload.py script's help string has been improved, and the
!    -n (--null) command line option now works.  The script is now also
!    to train as well as upload.
!  o The tte.py script has had many improvements, including Python 2.3
!    compatibility, addition of a --ratio flag, deletion of correctly
!    scoring messages, an improved scoring algorithm, and improved
!    detection of whether a message is a miss or not.
!  o A version of sb_bnfilter that is implemented in C (for speed) is
!    now available.
*** 56,60 ****
  The following bugs tracked via the Sourceforge system were fixed:
!     940155, 941596, 918157
  A URL containing the details of these bugs can be made by appending the
--- 148,153 ----
  The following bugs tracked via the Sourceforge system were fixed:
!   1078923, 1022848, 831864, 922063, 1051081, 903905, 1036601, 790757,
!   944109, 959937, 943852, 941639, 986353, 990700, 933473, 981970, 1071319
  A URL containing the details of these bugs can be made by appending the
*** 67,70 ****
--- 160,164 ----
  No feature requests tracked via the Sourceforge system were added for this
+ 870524, 940547, 715248, 938992, 1039057, 909088, 887984, 753708, 848365
*** 73,142 ****
  No patches tracked via the Sourceforge system were integrated for this
! Newly Deprecated Options
! ========================
! Since 1.0a9, SpamBayes has had a method of noting options that are
! deprecated and which will not be available in future releases (it is
! likely that options will only be deprecated for one release before being
! removed).  Deprecated options will not be offered in the graphical
! interfaces (Outlook plugin and web interface), and will be listed in
! the "What's New" file (this file) for each release.
! Deprecated options have the same name as previously, but now begin with
! "x-" (so "extract_dow" is now "x-extract_dow").  You can continue to use
! the original name (e.g. "extract_dow") in your configuration file, but will
! receive warnings in your log file or console window.  We recommend that you
! examine this output every time you upgrade SpamBayes to ensure that you are
! not using any newly deprecated options.
! Discussion regarding the deprecation of any particular option can be found
! in the spambayes-dev archives (at
! <http://mail.python.org/pipermail/spambayes-dev>).
! No options have been deprecated in this release.
! The following options are still deprecated and will be removed in the near
! future, unless testing indicates otherwise:
!   o [Tokenizer] generate_time_buckets
!   o [Tokenizer] extract_dow
!   o [Classifier] experimental_ham_spam_imbalance_adjustment
! New Experimental Options
! ========================
! Since 1.0a9, SpamBayes has had a method of noting options that are
! experimental and which may be removed or made permanent in future releases
! (many experimental options will only be experimental for one release before
! being removed or fully integrated).  Experimental options are not exposed
! by the Outlook plugin, and are listed on a separate
! "Experimental Configuration" page in the web interface.  The options will
! be listed in the "What's New" file (this file) for each release.
- Experimental options begin with "x-" (as do deprecated options).  If you
- start using an experimental option and it later becomes permanent you can
- continue to use the "x-" name in your configuration file, but will
- receive warnings in your log file or console window.  We recommend that you
- examine this output every time you upgrade SpamBayes to ensure that you are
- using the correct name for all options.
! Discussion of why experimental options and results from using them can be
! found in the spambayes-dev archives (at
! <http://mail.python.org/pipermail/spambayes-dev>).  Ideally, we would like
! users to test these options out on their mail and let us know the results.
! This can be as simple as turning on the option and emailing
! spambayes at python.org with anecdotal results after a period of time, or the
! full testtools scripts can be used.  For details about using these, please
! read the "README-DEVEL.txt" file that comes with the SpamBayes source
! archive.
! Experimental options are always turned off by default.
! No experimental options have been added in this release.
! Experimental options that are currently available (which we invite you to
! try out and report back your results) include:
    o [Tokenizer] x-search_for_habeas_headers
    o [Tokenizer] x-reduce_habeas_headers
--- 167,197 ----
  No patches tracked via the Sourceforge system were integrated for this
+ 1052816, 962693, 831941, 858925, 800671
! Deprecated Options
! ==================
! No options are currently deprecated.
! Experimental Options
! ====================
! We would like to remind users about our set of experimental options.  These
! are options which we believe may be of benefit to users, but have not been
! tested throughly enough to warrent full inclusion.  We would greatly
! appreciate feedback from users willing to try these options out as to their
! perceived benefit.  Both source code and binary users (including Outlook)
! can try these options out.
! More information about the experimental options and how to enable them
! can be found at:
!   http://spambayes.org/experimental.html
! If you have any queries about the experimental options, please email
! spambayes at python.org and we will try and answer them.
! Experimental options that are currently available include:
    o [Tokenizer] x-search_for_habeas_headers
    o [Tokenizer] x-reduce_habeas_headers

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