[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/spambayes classifier.py, 1.20, 1.21 tokenizer.py, 1.28, 1.29

Tony Meyer anadelonbrin at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Jan 12 03:38:25 EST 2004

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/spambayes
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv21783/spambayes

Modified Files:
	classifier.py tokenizer.py 
Log Message:
Fix the experimental slurping option so that it only retrieves the
text from the URL if necessary, as was the original intent.

Index: classifier.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/spambayes/classifier.py,v
retrieving revision 1.20
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -C2 -d -r1.20 -r1.21
*** classifier.py	30 Dec 2003 16:26:33 -0000	1.20
--- classifier.py	12 Jan 2004 08:38:23 -0000	1.21
*** 45,48 ****
--- 45,65 ----
      from spambayes.compatsets import Set
+ # XXX At time of writing, these are only necessary for the
+ # XXX experimental url retrieving/slurping code.  If that
+ # XXX gets ripped out, either rip these out, or run
+ # XXX PyChecker over the code.
+ import re
+ import os
+ import sys
+ import socket
+ import pickle
+ import urllib2
+ from email import message_from_string
+ DOMAIN_AND_PORT_RE = re.compile(r"([^:/\\]+)(:([\d]+))?")
+ HTTP_ERROR_RE = re.compile(r"HTTP Error ([\d]+)")
+ URL_KEY_RE = re.compile(r"[\W]")
+ # XXX ---- ends ----
  from spambayes.Options import options
  from spambayes.chi2 import chi2Q
*** 57,61 ****
  LN2 = math.log(2)       # used frequently by chi-combining
! slurp_wordstream = []
--- 74,78 ----
  LN2 = math.log(2)       # used frequently by chi-combining
! slurp_wordstream = None
*** 217,222 ****
          # at the URL's destination.
          if len(clues) < options["Classifier", "max_discriminators"] and \
!            prob > h_cut and prob < s_cut:
!             sprob, sclues = self.chi2_spamprob(slurp_wordstream, True)
              if sprob < h_cut or sprob > s_cut:
                  prob = sprob
--- 234,241 ----
          # at the URL's destination.
          if len(clues) < options["Classifier", "max_discriminators"] and \
!            prob > h_cut and prob < s_cut and slurp_wordstream:
!             slurp_tokens = list(self._generate_slurp())
!             slurp_tokens.extend([w for (w,p) in clues])
!             sprob, sclues = self.chi2_spamprob(slurp_tokens, True)
              if sprob < h_cut or sprob > s_cut:
                  prob = sprob
*** 516,519 ****
--- 535,748 ----
              last = token
+     def _generate_slurp(self):
+         # We don't want to do this recursively and check URLs
+         # on webpages, so we have this little cheat.
+         if not hasattr(self, "setup_done"):
+             self.setup()
+             self.setup_done = True
+         if not hasattr(self, "do_slurp") or self.do_slurp:
+             if slurp_wordstream:
+                 self.do_slurp = False
+                 tokens = self.slurp(*slurp_wordstream)
+                 self.do_slurp = True
+                 self._save_caches()
+                 return tokens
+         return []
+     def setup(self):
+         # Can't import this at the top because it's circular.
+         # XXX Someone smarter than me, please figure out the right
+         # XXX way to do this.
+         from spambayes.FileCorpus import ExpiryFileCorpus, FileMessageFactory
+         username = options["globals", "proxy_username"]
+         password = options["globals", "proxy_password"]
+         server = options["globals", "proxy_server"]
+         if server.find(":") != -1:
+             server, port = server.split(':', 1)
+         else:
+             port = 8080
+         if server:
+             # Build a new opener that uses a proxy requiring authorization
+             proxy_support = urllib2.ProxyHandler({"http" : \
+                                                   "http://%s:%s@%s:%d" % \
+                                                   (username, password,
+                                                    server, port)})
+             opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_support,
+                                           urllib2.HTTPHandler)
+         else:
+             # Build a new opener without any proxy information.
+             opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPHandler)
+         # Install it
+         urllib2.install_opener(opener)
+         # Setup the cache for retrieved urls
+         age = options["URLRetriever", "x-cache_expiry_days"]*24*60*60
+         dir = options["URLRetriever", "x-cache_directory"]
+         if not os.path.exists(dir):
+             # Create the directory.
+             if options["globals", "verbose"]:
+                 print >>sys.stderr, "Creating URL cache directory"
+             os.makedirs(dir)
+         self.urlCorpus = ExpiryFileCorpus(age, FileMessageFactory(),
+                                           dir, cacheSize=20)
+         # Kill any old information in the cache
+         self.urlCorpus.removeExpiredMessages()
+         # Setup caches for unretrievable urls
+         self.bad_url_cache_name = os.path.join(dir, "bad_urls.pck")
+         self.http_error_cache_name = os.path.join(dir, "http_error_urls.pck")
+         if os.path.exists(self.bad_url_cache_name):
+             b_file = file(self.bad_url_cache_name, "r")
+             self.bad_urls = pickle.load(b_file)
+             b_file.close()
+         else:
+             if options["globals", "verbose"]:
+                 print "URL caches don't exist: creating"
+             self.bad_urls = {"url:non_resolving": (),
+                         "url:non_html": (),
+                         "url:unknown_error": ()}
+         if os.path.exists(self.http_error_cache_name):
+             h_file = file(self.http_error_cache_name, "r")
+             self.http_error_urls = pickle.load(h_file)
+             h_file.close()
+         else:
+             self.http_error_urls = {}
+     def _save_caches(self):
+         # XXX Note that these caches are never refreshed, which might not
+         # XXX be a good thing long-term (if a previously invalid URL
+         # XXX becomes valid, for example).
+         b_file = file(self.bad_url_cache_name, "w")
+         pickle.dump(self.bad_urls, b_file)
+         b_file.close()
+         h_file = file(self.http_error_cache_name, "w")
+         pickle.dump(self.http_error_urls, h_file)
+         h_file.close()
+     def slurp(self, proto, url):
+         # We generate these tokens:
+         #  url:non_resolving
+         #  url:non_html
+         #  url:http_XXX (for each type of http error encounted,
+         #                for example 404, 403, ...)
+         # And tokenise the received page (but we do not slurp this).
+         # Actually, the special url: tokens barely showed up in my testing,
+         # although I would have thought that they would more - this might
+         # be due to an error, although they do turn up on occasion.  In
+         # any case, we have to do the test, so generating an extra token
+         # doesn't cost us anything apart from another entry in the db, and
+         # it's only two entries, plus one for each type of http error
+         # encountered, so it's pretty neglible.
+         from spambayes.tokenizer import Tokenizer
+         if options["URLRetriever", "x-only_slurp_base"]:
+             url = self._base_url(url)
+         # Check the unretrievable caches
+         for err in self.bad_urls.keys():
+             if url in self.bad_urls[err]:
+                 return [err]
+         if self.http_error_urls.has_key(url):
+             return self.http_error_urls[url]
+         # We check if the url will resolve first
+         mo = DOMAIN_AND_PORT_RE.match(url)
+         domain = mo.group(1)
+         if mo.group(3) is None:
+             port = 80
+         else:
+             port = mo.group(3)
+         try:
+             not_used = socket.getaddrinfo(domain, port)
+         except socket.error:
+             self.bad_urls["url:non_resolving"] += (url,)
+             return ["url:non_resolving"]
+         # If the message is in our cache, then we can just skip over
+         # retrieving it from the network, and get it from there, instead.
+         url_key = URL_KEY_RE.sub('_', url)
+         cached_message = self.urlCorpus.get(url_key)
+         if cached_message is None:
+             # We're going to ignore everything that isn't text/html,
+             # so we might as well not bother retrieving anything with
+             # these extensions.
+             parts = url.split('.')
+             if parts[-1] in ('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'css', 'js'):
+                 self.bad_urls["url:non_html"] += (url,)
+                 return ["url:non_html"]
+             try:
+                 if options["globals", "verbose"]:
+                     print >>sys.stderr, "Slurping", url
+                 f = urllib2.urlopen("%s://%s" % (proto, url))
+             except (urllib2.URLError, socket.error), details:
+                 mo = HTTP_ERROR_RE.match(str(details))
+                 if mo:
+                     self.http_error_urls[url] = "url:http_" + mo.group(1)
+                     return ["url:http_" + mo.group(1)]
+                 self.bad_urls["url:unknown_error"] += (url,)
+                 return ["url:unknown_error"]
+             # Anything that isn't text/html is ignored
+             content_type = f.info().get('content-type')
+             if content_type is None or \
+                not content_type.startswith("text/html"):
+                 self.bad_urls["url:non_html"] += (url,)
+                 return ["url:non_html"]
+             page = f.read()
+             headers = str(f.info())
+             f.close()
+             fake_message_string = headers + "\r\n" + page
+             # Retrieving the same messages over and over again will tire
+             # us out, so we store them in our own wee cache.
+             message = self.urlCorpus.makeMessage(url_key)
+             message.setPayload(fake_message_string)
+             self.urlCorpus.addMessage(message)
+         else:
+             fake_message_string = cached_message.as_string()
+         msg = message_from_string(fake_message_string)
+         # We don't want to do full header tokenising, as this is
+         # optimised for messages, not webpages, so we just do the
+         # basic stuff.
+         bht = options["Tokenizer", "basic_header_tokenize"]
+         bhto = options["Tokenizer", "basic_header_tokenize_only"]
+         options["Tokenizer", "basic_header_tokenize"] = True
+         options["Tokenizer", "basic_header_tokenize_only"] = True
+         tokens = Tokenizer().tokenize(msg)
+         pf = options["URLRetriever", "x-web_prefix"]
+         tokens = ["%s%s" % (pf, tok) for tok in tokens]
+         # Undo the changes
+         options["Tokenizer", "basic_header_tokenize"] = bht
+         options["Tokenizer", "basic_header_tokenize_only"] = bhto
+         return tokens
+     def _base_url(self, url):
+         # To try and speed things up, and to avoid following
+         # unique URLS, we convert the URL to as basic a form
+         # as we can - so http://www.massey.ac.nz/~tameyer/index.html?you=me
+         # would become http://massey.ac.nz and http://id.example.com
+         # would become http://example.com
+         url += '/'
+         domain, garbage = url.split('/', 1)
+         parts = domain.split('.')
+         if len(parts) > 2:
+             base_domain = parts[-2] + '.' + parts[-1]
+             if len(parts[-1]) < 3:
+                 base_domain = parts[-3] + '.' + base_domain
+         else:
+             base_domain = domain
+         return base_domain
      def _add_slurped(self, wordstream):
          """Add tokens generated by 'slurping' (i.e. tokenizing
*** 522,526 ****
          for token in wordstream:
              yield token
!         for token in slurp_wordstream:
              yield token
--- 751,756 ----
          for token in wordstream:
              yield token
!         slurped_tokens = self._generate_slurp()
!         for token in slurped_tokens:
              yield token

Index: tokenizer.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/spambayes/tokenizer.py,v
retrieving revision 1.28
retrieving revision 1.29
diff -C2 -d -r1.28 -r1.29
*** tokenizer.py	5 Jan 2004 17:40:30 -0000	1.28
--- tokenizer.py	12 Jan 2004 08:38:23 -0000	1.29
*** 21,36 ****
      from compatsets import Set
- # XXX At time of writing, these are only necessary for the
- # XXX experimental url retrieving/slurping code.  If that
- # XXX gets ripped out, either rip these out, or run
- # XXX PyChecker over the code.
- import sys
- import socket
- import pickle
- import urllib2
  from spambayes import classifier
- from email import message_from_string
- # XXX ---- ends ----
  from spambayes.Options import options
--- 21,25 ----
*** 1076,1198 ****
          return tokens
- DOMAIN_AND_PORT_RE = re.compile(r"([^:/\\]+)(:([\d]+))?")
- HTTP_ERROR_RE = re.compile(r"HTTP Error ([\d]+)")
- URL_KEY_RE = re.compile(r"[\W]")
  class SlurpingURLStripper(URLStripper):
      def __init__(self):
-         self.setup_done = False
-         self.do_slurp = True
-     def setup(self):
-         # Can't import this at the top because it's circular.
-         # XXX Someone smarter than me, please figure out the right
-         # XXX way to do this.
-         from spambayes.FileCorpus import ExpiryFileCorpus, FileMessageFactory
-         username = options["globals", "proxy_username"]
-         password = options["globals", "proxy_password"]
-         server = options["globals", "proxy_server"]
-         if server.find(":") != -1:
-             server, port = server.split(':', 1)
-         else:
-             port = 8080
-         if server:
-             # Build a new opener that uses a proxy requiring authorization
-             proxy_support = urllib2.ProxyHandler({"http" : \
-                                                   "http://%s:%s@%s:%d" % \
-                                                   (username, password,
-                                                    server, port)})
-             opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_support,
-                                           urllib2.HTTPHandler)
-         else:
-             # Build a new opener without any proxy information.
-             opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPHandler)
-         # Install it
-         urllib2.install_opener(opener)
-         # Setup the cache for retrieved urls
-         age = options["URLRetriever", "x-cache_expiry_days"]*24*60*60
-         dir = options["URLRetriever", "x-cache_directory"]
-         if not os.path.exists(dir):
-             # Create the directory.
-             if options["globals", "verbose"]:
-                 print >>sys.stderr, "Creating URL cache directory"
-             os.makedirs(dir)
-         self.urlCorpus = ExpiryFileCorpus(age, FileMessageFactory(),
-                                           dir, cacheSize=20)
-         # Kill any old information in the cache
-         self.urlCorpus.removeExpiredMessages()
-         # Setup caches for unretrievable urls
-         self.bad_url_cache_name = os.path.join(dir, "bad_urls.pck")
-         self.http_error_cache_name = os.path.join(dir, "http_error_urls.pck")
-         if os.path.exists(self.bad_url_cache_name):
-             b_file = file(self.bad_url_cache_name, "r")
-             self.bad_urls = pickle.load(b_file)
-             b_file.close()
-         else:
-             self.bad_urls = {"url:non_resolving": (),
-                         "url:non_html": (),
-                         "url:unknown_error": ()}
-         if os.path.exists(self.http_error_cache_name):
-             h_file = file(self.http_error_cache_name, "r")
-             self.http_error_urls = pickle.load(h_file)
-             h_file.close()
-         else:
-             self.http_error_urls = {}
!     def _save_caches(self):
!         # XXX Note that these caches are never refreshed, which might not
!         # XXX be a good thing long-term (if a previously invalid URL
!         # XXX becomes valid, for example).
!         b_file = file(self.bad_url_cache_name, "w")
!         pickle.dump(self.bad_urls, b_file)
!         b_file.close()
!         h_file = file(self.http_error_cache_name, "w")
!         pickle.dump(self.http_error_urls, h_file)
!         h_file.close()
      def tokenize(self, m):
!         # XXX A weakness of this is that the text from URLs is
!         # XXX always retrieved, even if it won't be used (if the
!         # XXX raw score is outside unsure, for example).  The
!         # XXX problem is that when tokenizing, we have no idea
!         # XXX what the score of the message should be, and so
!         # XXX if we need the tokens or not.  But when calculating
!         # XXX the spamprob, we have no idea what the content of
!         # XXX the message is - just the tokens we generated from it
!         # XXX (and we can't reverse-engineer the URLs from that).
!         # XXX I've (Tony) played around with various ways to get
!         # XXX around this, but can't really come up with anything
!         # XXX good, apart from moving the decision whether to
!         # XXX recalculate the score 'higher' up (out of classifier's
!         # XXX spamprob()), but then it seems that code in a *lot*
!         # XXX of places will need to be changed to call the new
!         # XXX function; not nice given that this is experimental.
!         # XXX Either someone else will point out a good way to do this
!         # XXX or it can be moved higher up if this ever makes it out
!         # XXX of experimental status.
!         # XXX This might not matter so much because of the local
!         # XXX cache of the 'slurped' content, especially if the cache
!         # XXX isn't set to expire content regularly, and if your ham
!         # XXX (likely) and spam (unlikely) messages tend to have the
!         # XXX same URLs in them, and only unsure change.
!         # XXX Also note that the 'slurped' tokens are *always* trained
          # XXX on; it would be simple to change/parameterize this.
-         if not self.setup_done:
-             self.setup()
-             self.setup_done = True
          tokens = URLStripper.tokenize(self, m)
!         if not (options["URLRetriever", "x-slurp_urls"] and \
!            self.do_slurp):
              return tokens
-         # We don't want to do this recursively and check URLs
-         # on webpages, so we have this little cheat.
-         self.do_slurp = False
          proto, guts = m.groups()
          if proto != "http":
--- 1065,1087 ----
          return tokens
  class SlurpingURLStripper(URLStripper):
      def __init__(self):
!     def analyze(self, text):
!         # If there are no URLS, then we need to clear the
!         # wordstream, or whatever was there from the last message
!         # will be used.
!         classifier.slurp_wordstream = None
!         # Continue as normal.
!         return URLStripper.analyze(self, text)
      def tokenize(self, m):
!         # XXX Note that the 'slurped' tokens are *always* trained
          # XXX on; it would be simple to change/parameterize this.
          tokens = URLStripper.tokenize(self, m)
!         if not options["URLRetriever", "x-slurp_urls"]:
              return tokens
          proto, guts = m.groups()
          if proto != "http":
*** 1203,1329 ****
              guts = guts[:-1]
!         classifier.slurp_wordstream = self.slurp(proto, guts)
!         self.do_slurp = True
!         self._save_caches()
!         return tokens
!     def slurp(self, proto, url):
!         # We generate these tokens:
!         #  url:non_resolving
!         #  url:non_html
!         #  url:http_XXX (for each type of http error encounted,
!         #                for example 404, 403, ...)
!         # And tokenise the received page (but we do not slurp this).
!         # Actually, the special url: tokens barely showed up in my testing,
!         # although I would have thought that they would more - this might
!         # be due to an error, although they do turn up on occasion.  In
!         # any case, we have to do the test, so generating an extra token
!         # doesn't cost us anything apart from another entry in the db, and
!         # it's only two entries, plus one for each type of http error
!         # encountered, so it's pretty neglible.
!         if options["URLRetriever", "x-only_slurp_base"]:
!             url = self._base_url(url)
!         # Check the unretrievable caches
!         for err in self.bad_urls.keys():
!             if url in self.bad_urls[err]:
!                 return [err]
!         if self.http_error_urls.has_key(url):
!             return self.http_error_urls[url]
!         # We check if the url will resolve first
!         mo = DOMAIN_AND_PORT_RE.match(url)
!         domain = mo.group(1)
!         if mo.group(3) is None:
!             port = 80
!         else:
!             port = mo.group(3)
!         try:
!             not_used = socket.getaddrinfo(domain, port)
!         except socket.error:
!             self.bad_urls["url:non_resolving"] += (url,)
!             return ["url:non_resolving"]
!         # If the message is in our cache, then we can just skip over
!         # retrieving it from the network, and get it from there, instead.
!         url_key = URL_KEY_RE.sub('_', url)
!         cached_message = self.urlCorpus.get(url_key)
!         if cached_message is None:
!             # We're going to ignore everything that isn't text/html,
!             # so we might as well not bother retrieving anything with
!             # these extensions.
!             parts = url.split('.')
!             if parts[-1] in ('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'css', 'js'):
!                 self.bad_urls["url:non_html"] += (url,)
!                 return ["url:non_html"]
!             try:
!                 if options["globals", "verbose"]:
!                     print >>sys.stderr, "Slurping", url
!                 f = urllib2.urlopen("%s://%s" % (proto, url))
!             except (urllib2.URLError, socket.error), details:
!                 mo = HTTP_ERROR_RE.match(str(details))
!                 if mo:
!                     self.http_error_urls[url] = "url:http_" + mo.group(1)
!                     return ["url:http_" + mo.group(1)]
!                 self.bad_urls["url:unknown_error"] += (url,)
!                 return ["url:unknown_error"]
!             # Anything that isn't text/html is ignored
!             content_type = f.info().get('content-type')
!             if content_type is None or \
!                not content_type.startswith("text/html"):
!                 self.bad_urls["url:non_html"] += (url,)
!                 return ["url:non_html"]
!             page = f.read()
!             headers = str(f.info())
!             f.close()
!             fake_message_string = headers + "\r\n" + page
!             # Retrieving the same messages over and over again will tire
!             # us out, so we store them in our own wee cache.
!             message = self.urlCorpus.makeMessage(url_key)
!             message.setPayload(fake_message_string)
!             self.urlCorpus.addMessage(message)
!         else:
!             fake_message_string = cached_message.as_string()
!         msg = message_from_string(fake_message_string)
!         # We don't want to do full header tokenising, as this is
!         # optimised for messages, not webpages, so we just do the
!         # basic stuff.
!         bht = options["Tokenizer", "basic_header_tokenize"]
!         bhto = options["Tokenizer", "basic_header_tokenize_only"]
!         options["Tokenizer", "basic_header_tokenize"] = True
!         options["Tokenizer", "basic_header_tokenize_only"] = True
!         tokens = Tokenizer().tokenize(msg)
!         pf = options["URLRetriever", "x-web_prefix"]
!         tokens = ["%s%s" % (pf, tok) for tok in tokens]
!         # Undo the changes
!         options["Tokenizer", "basic_header_tokenize"] = bht
!         options["Tokenizer", "basic_header_tokenize_only"] = bhto
          return tokens
-     def _base_url(self, url):
-         # To try and speed things up, and to avoid following
-         # unique URLS, we convert the URL to as basic a form
-         # as we can - so http://www.massey.ac.nz/~tameyer/index.html?you=me
-         # would become http://massey.ac.nz and http://id.example.com
-         # would become http://example.com
-         url += '/'
-         domain, garbage = url.split('/', 1)
-         parts = domain.split('.')
-         if len(parts) > 2:
-             base_domain = parts[-2] + '.' + parts[-1]
-             if len(parts[-1]) < 3:
-                 base_domain = parts[-3] + '.' + base_domain
-         else:
-             base_domain = domain
-         return base_domain
  if options["URLRetriever", "x-slurp_urls"]:
--- 1092,1097 ----
              guts = guts[:-1]
!         classifier.slurp_wordstream = (proto, guts)
          return tokens
  if options["URLRetriever", "x-slurp_urls"]:

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