[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/contrib tte.py,NONE,1.1

Skip Montanaro montanaro at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Feb 6 16:58:18 EST 2004

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/contrib
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv21477

Added Files:
Log Message:
Just messin' around...  Train to exhaustion based upon my understanding of
the technique as described in Gary Robinson's blog.

--- NEW FILE: tte.py ---
#!/usr/bin/env python

Train to exhaustion: train repeatedly on a pile of ham and spam until
everything scores properly.

usage %(prog)s [ -h ] -g file -s file [ -d file | -p file ] [ -m N ]

-h      - print this documentation and exit.

-g file - take ham from file

-s file - take spam from file

-d file - use a database-based classifier named file

-p file - use a pickle-based classifier named file

-m N    - train on at most N messages (nham == N/2 and nspam == N/2)

See Gary Robinson's blog:


import sys
import getopt
import os

from spambayes import storage
from spambayes import Options
from spambayes import mboxutils
from spambayes.tokenizer import tokenize

prog = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])

def usage(msg=None):
    if msg is not None:
        print >> sys.stderr, msg
    print >> sys.stderr, __doc__.strip() % globals()

def train(store, ham, spam, maxmsgs):
    smisses = hmisses = round = 0
    ham_cutoff = Options.options["Categorization", "ham_cutoff"]
    spam_cutoff = Options.options["Categorization", "spam_cutoff"]

    while hmisses or smisses or round == 0:
        hambone = mboxutils.getmbox(ham)
        spamcan = mboxutils.getmbox(spam)
        round += 1
        hmisses = smisses = nmsgs = 0
            while not maxmsgs or nmsgs < maxmsgs:
                hammsg = hambone.next()
                spammsg = spamcan.next()

                nmsgs += 2
                sys.stdout.write("\r%5d" % nmsgs)

                if store.spamprob(tokenize(hammsg)) > ham_cutoff:
                    hmisses += 1
                    store.learn(tokenize(hammsg), False)

                if store.spamprob(tokenize(spammsg)) < spam_cutoff:
                    smisses += 1
                    store.learn(tokenize(spammsg), True)

        except StopIteration:
        print "\rround: %2d, msgs: %4d, ham misses: %3d, spam misses: %3d" % \
              (round, nmsgs, hmisses, smisses)

def main(args):
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, "hg:s:d:p:o:m:",
                                   ["help", "good=", "spam=",
                                    "database=", "pickle=",
                                    "option=", "max="])
    except getopt.GetoptError, msg:
        return 1

    ham = spam = dbname = usedb = None
    maxmsgs = 0
    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
            return 0
        elif opt in ("-g", "--good"):
            ham = arg
        elif opt in ("-s", "--spam"):
            spam = arg
        elif opt in ("-m", "--max"):
            maxmsgs = int(arg)
        elif opt in ('-o', '--option'):
            Options.options.set_from_cmdline(arg, sys.stderr)
    if ham is None or spam is None:
        usage("require both ham and spam piles")
        return 1

    dbname, usedb = storage.database_type(opts)

    except OSError:

    store = storage.open_storage(dbname, usedb)

    train(store, ham, spam, maxmsgs)


    return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":

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