[Spambayes-checkins] website/apps/outlook .cvsignore, NONE, 1.1 bugs.txt, NONE, 1.1

Mark Hammond mhammond at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Oct 27 01:42:19 EST 2003

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/website/apps/outlook
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv26732/apps/outlook

Added Files:
	.cvsignore bugs.txt 
Log Message:
Add a new FAQ style 'Commonly Reported Outlook Bugs', in its own
directory, all ready for more app specific docs!

--- NEW FILE: .cvsignore ---

--- NEW FILE: bugs.txt ---
SpamBayes Outlook Addin Frequently Reported Bugs

:Date: $Date: 2003/10/27 06:42:17 $
:Version: $Revision: 1.1 $
:Web site: http://spambayes.sourceforge.net/

.. Please note that until there's a Q&A-specific construct available in
   Docutils, this FAQ will use section titles for questions.  Therefore
   questions must fit on one line.  The title may be a summary of the
   question, with the full question in the section body.

.. contents::
.. sectnum::

This page has general information on the most reported bugs for the Outlook
Addin.  All bugs are managed at `SourceForge`_, but in an attempt to save 
both your time and ours, the most commonly reported bugs are here.

If you don't see your bug listed here, please try the following:

* See the `Frequently Asked Questions`_.

* See the `Troubleshooting Guide`_ (also installed with SpamBayes)

* Browse the `SourceForge bug database`_.  If you find a similar bug, 
  please add any comments you can.  You may also find the 'Monitor' feature
  useful, so you receive emails as the bug is changed.

If all else fails, you can create a new bug.  **Please ensure you
attach a log from your session** - the `Troubleshooting Guide`_
has all the details.

.. _SourceForge: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=498103&group_id=61702&func=browse
.. _SourceForge bug database: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=498103&group_id=61702&func=browse
.. _Frequently Asked Questions: http://spambayes.sourceforge.net/faq.html
.. _Troubleshooting Guide: http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/docs/troubleshooting.html?rev=HEAD

Frequently Reported Bugs

Installation fails with "DLL Registration" error
A number of users report errors at install time registering the DLL.  Most 
of these helpfully say "Error 0".  Some users have reported that changing 
the install path to a 'simpler' version solves it for them (but this seems 
strange to the developers!).  We are tracking this in `Bug 807618`_.

.. _Bug 807618: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=807618&group_id=61702&atid=498103

Outlook Toolbars Fail
This is a common problem, and 99% of users find that the 
`Troubleshooting Guide`_ solves this issue for them.  However,
at least one user has reported this does not work for him.
We are tracking this issue in bug `[ 828669 ] Toolbars refuse to work after reset`_.

.. _Troubleshooting Guide: http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/docs/troubleshooting.html?rev=HEAD
.. _[ 828669 ] Toolbars refuse to work after reset: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=828669&group_id=61702&atid=498103

Various issues with Outlook builtin rules
There are a number of reports regarding SpamBayes 'missing' messages that
have also been processed by the builtin Outlook rules.  Outlook does not 
expose a way of avoiding this.  To work around the problem, SpamBayes has a 
'Background Processing' option you can set in the Advanced tab of the 
SpamBayes manager.  Any bugs on this issue will be closed as 'Wont Fix' 
('Can't Fix' would be better, but that doesn't exist <wink>)

New Mail Icon not cleared when Spam is marked as Read
This is a known problem, but Outlook does not provide a reasonable technique
for preventing it.  Please see our `FAQ entry on this issue`_.

.. _FAQ entry on this issue: http://spambayes.sourceforge.net/faq.html#how-can-i-get-rid-of-the-envelope-tray-icon-for-spam

Customize Outlook Today stops working
This is likely to be a Microsoft Issue - see a 
`Microsoft Knowledge Base article`_ on the issue, or 
`our (closed) bug #810902`_.

.. _Microsoft Knowledge Base article: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q820575
.. _our (closed) bug #810902: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=810902&group_id=61702&atid=498103

PGP addin causes crashes
The PGP freeware plugin for Outlook is known to cause a number of problems, 
both with and without SpamBayes installed.  SpamBayes seems to have no 
impact on how often PGP will cause Outlook to crash.  If you use the PGP
plugin, please disable it while you are not using it - your crashes are
almost certain to stop.

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