[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/scripts sb_evoscore.py,NONE,1.1

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Nov 24 22:52:25 EST 2003

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/scripts
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv27975

Added Files:
Log Message:
A shim script between sb_xmlrpcserver.py and Ximian Evolution.  The
docstring is way longer than the code. ;)

--- NEW FILE: sb_evoscore.py ---
#! /usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (C) 2003 Python Software Foundation; All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Python Software Foundation License, which you should have
# received as part of the Spambayes distribution.
# Author: Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org>

"""A shim for integrating Spambayes and Ximian Evolution.

Evolution is a free email client for Linux and Solaris, developed by Ximian.
See www.ximian.com for details.  Evolution is sometimes called 'Evo' for

Actually Evo is more than that -- you can think of it as an Outlook-alike for
Linux -- but all we care about here is the mail reader.  Evo can connect to a
POP or IMAP server, so you can of course use Spambayes' normal POP or IMAP

For a variety of reasons, I don't like hooking things up this way.  In Evo,
you can specify filters which run on folders whenever a message shows up in
that folder.  The filter can have any number of criteria, and if the criteria
match, Evo will execute some number of actions.  One of the things a filter
can do is pipe the message to a program's standard in, and then check the exit
code of that program.  That's how we'll hook things together.

You'll need to start sb_xmlrpcserver.py, as this script is a client of that
server.  You'll use sb_imapfilter.py to train a database on the machine local
to your Evo client (yes, if you use many different workstations, you'll need
your database on all of them).

sb_evoscore.py takes the message from standard in, sends it to the xmlrpc
server and receives the float spam score for the message.  Then it compares
this to your ham_cutoff and spam_cutoff options.  It exits with a return code
that your Evo filter will check.  The return codes are:

   -1 - Error
    0 - Ham
    1 - Unsure
    2 - Spam

So, to hook things up do the following:

- In Evo, go to Tools -> Filters... to bring up the filter rules

- Select 'incoming' as the filter rule direction

- Add a new filter rule called 'Spambayes Spam'

- Select 'Pipe Message to Shell Command' as the first and only criteria.
  Point the command at this script, e.g. /usr/local/bin/sb_evoscore.py

- Select the match criteria to be 'returns 2'

- In the 'Then' section, select what you want to have happen for Spam.
  Personally, I have a folder called SBInbox, and inside that folder I have
  four subfolders: HamTrain, SpamTrain, Spam, and Unsure.  My action for the
  'Spambayes Spam' filter is then 'Move to Folder SBInbox/Spam'.

- Now do the same thing with a second filter rule called 'Spambayes Unsure',
  except this time, match a return value of 1, and move these messages to

- Finally, make sure Evo will run filters automatically when your inbox
  receives new messages.

Now, what I do is throw a bunch of known ham in SBInbox/HamTrain and a bunch
of known spam in SBInbox/SpamTrain.  I use 'sb_imapfilter -t -v -p' to train a
database on my local machine.  Then I start up sb_xmlrpcserver.py.

NOTE: you must edit the variable RPCURL below to match how you invoke

For a while, I watch the Unsure folder, moving mistakes to SpamTrain and
HamTrain respectively.  Every once in a while, I retrain my database, and copy
my database to all my other desktops.  One caveat: I've found that if I kill
the xmlrpc server while Evo is still running, it can cause Evo to hang, choke,
or start spewing endless error messages.  It's best to exit Evo before killing

import sys
import xmlrpclib
from spambayes.Options import options

RPCURL = 'http://localhost:8881'

def main():
    msg = sys.stdin.read()
        server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(RPCURL)
        score = server.score(msg)
        import traceback
        return -1
        if score < options['Categorization', 'ham_cutoff']:
            return 0
        elif score < options['Categorization', 'spam_cutoff']:
            return 1
        return 2

status = main()

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