[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/testtools Makefile,NONE,1.1

Skip Montanaro montanaro at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Nov 24 20:29:55 EST 2003

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/testtools
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv4658

Added Files:
Log Message:
A makefile (requires GNU make) that makes it easier to run timcv to compare
the effect of different configurations.  The comment at the top describes
typical usage and assumptions embodied in the file.

--- NEW FILE: Makefile ---

# GNU Makefile to make it easy to run timcv.
# To use, create a pair of SpamBayes config files, e.g., std.ini and
# trial.ini, then execute
#    make BASE=std TRIAL=trial
# The final output will be in std-trial.txt.
# Since the default value for BASE and TRIAL are "std" and "trial",
# respectively, the above can be abbreviated to
#    make
# If you want to compare multiple trial configurations against a single
# standard configuration, execute (for example):
#    make TRIAL=trial1
#    make TRIAL=trial2
# (assuming your baseline configuration is in std.ini).  The Makefile will
# avoid running timcv.py against the standard configuration unnecessarily,
# speeding things up a bit.
# This Makefile assumes the availability of GNU make.  It uses both the
# $(shell ...) and $(wildcard ...) constructs.  It also assumes your
# SpamBayes source tree is rooted at ~/src/spambayes.

NDIR=$(shell ls -d Data/Ham/Set* | wc -l)


DATA=$(wildcard Data/Ham/* Data/Spam/*)

all : $(BASE)-$(TRIAL).txt

$(BASE)-$(TRIAL).txt : $(BASE)s.txt $(TRIAL)s.txt
	python $(CMP) $(BASE)s.txt $(TRIAL)s.txt > $(BASE)-$(TRIAL).txt

$(BASE)s.txt : $(BASE).txt
	python $(RATE) $(BASE)

$(TRIAL)s.txt : $(TRIAL).txt
	python $(RATE) $(TRIAL)

$(BASE).txt : $(BASE).ini $(DATA)
	BAYESCUSTOMIZE=$(BASE).ini python $(TIMCV) -n $(NDIR) -s 12345 > $(BASE).txt

$(TRIAL).txt : $(TRIAL).ini $(DATA)
	BAYESCUSTOMIZE=$(TRIAL).ini python $(TIMCV) -n $(NDIR) -s 12345 > $(TRIAL).txt

clean : FORCE
	rm -f $(BASE)-$(TRIAL).txt $(BASE)*.txt $(TRIAL)*.txt


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