[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs FolderSelector.py, 1.16, 1.17

Mark Hammond mhammond at users.sourceforge.net
Wed May 14 19:00:08 EDT 2003

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv16003

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Fix [ 737956 ] No hourglass when building folder lists

Index: FolderSelector.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs/FolderSelector.py,v
retrieving revision 1.16
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -C2 -d -r1.16 -r1.17
*** FolderSelector.py	18 Mar 2003 00:03:26 -0000	1.16
--- FolderSelector.py	15 May 2003 01:00:04 -0000	1.17
*** 54,57 ****
--- 54,59 ----
  def _BuildFoldersMAPI(manager, folder_id):
+     # This is called dynamically as folders are expanded.
+     win32ui.DoWaitCursor(1)
      folder = manager.message_store.GetFolder(folder_id).OpenEntry()
      # Get the hierarchy table for it.
*** 78,81 ****
--- 80,84 ----
                  spec.children = None # Flag as "not yet built"
+     win32ui.DoWaitCursor(0)
      return children
*** 311,314 ****
--- 314,318 ----
          # Build list of all ids to expand - ie, list includes all
          # selected folders, and all parents.
+         win32ui.DoWaitCursor(1)
          self.expand_ids = self._DetermineFoldersToExpand()
          tree = BuildFolderTreeMAPI(self.manager.message_store.session)
*** 317,320 ****
--- 321,325 ----
          self.expand_ids = [] # Only use this while creating dialog.
+         win32ui.DoWaitCursor(0)
          return dialog.Dialog.OnInitDialog (self)

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