[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/spambayes Version.py,NONE,1.1

Mark Hammond mhammond at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Jun 5 21:57:21 EDT 2003

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/spambayes
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv4228

Added Files:
Log Message:
First pass at a version information repository.

--- NEW FILE: Version.py ---
"""Simple version repository for SpamBayes core, and our main apps"""

# This module is part of the spambayes project, which is Copyright 2002-3
# The Python Software Foundation and is covered by the Python Software
# Foundation license.
versions = {
    # Non app specific - changed when "spambayes\*" changes significantly
    "Version":          0.1,
    "Description":      "SpamBayes Beta1",
    "Date":             "June 2003",
    "Full Description": "%(Description)s, version %(Version)s (%(Date)s)",
    # Sub-dict for application specific version strings.
    "Apps": {
        "Outlook" : {
            "Version":          0.3,
            "BinaryVersion":    003,
            "Description":      "SpamBayes Outlook Addin Beta1",
            "Date":             "June 2003",
            "Full Description": "%(Description)s, version %(Version)s (%(Date)s)",
            "Full Description Binary":
                                "%(Description)s, Binary version %(BinaryVersion)s (%(Date)s)",

def get_version_string(app = None, description_key = "Full Description"):
    """Get a pretty version string, generally just to log or show in a UI"""
    if app is None:
        dict = versions
        dict = versions["Apps"][app]
    return dict[description_key] % dict

def get_version_number(app = None, version_key = "Version"):
    """Get a version number, as a float.  This would primarily be used so some
    app or extension can determine if we are later than a specific version
    of either the engine or a specific app.
    Maybe YAGNI.
    if app is None:
        dict = versions
        dict = versions["Apps"][app]
    return dict[version_key]

if __name__=='__main__':
    print "SpamBayes version is:", get_version_string()
    # Enumerate applications
    print "Application versions:"
    for app in versions["Apps"]:
        print "%s: %s" % (app, get_version_string(app))

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