[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes CHANGELOG.txt, 1.6, 1.7 MANIFEST.in, 1.4, 1.5 WHAT_IS_NEW.txt, 1.5, 1.6 setup.py, 1.18, 1.19

Tony Meyer anadelonbrin at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Jul 6 18:09:30 EDT 2003

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv25114

Modified Files:
	CHANGELOG.txt MANIFEST.in WHAT_IS_NEW.txt setup.py 
Log Message:
Update changelog and what's new in preparation for a4 release.
(Note that I've reversed the order of the changelog so that the
newest information is at the top.  This will play havoc with this cvs
diff, but is for the better, I think).  The what's new file only has
a3->a4 info, not a2->a3 as well.

Add the windows directory to the manifest, and notesfilter to

Update the __version__, and version information in version.py
(I've increased the 'core' version because the incorrect token count
bug could be 'significant', I think.  Feel free to disagree with this!)

Index: CHANGELOG.txt
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/CHANGELOG.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -C2 -d -r1.6 -r1.7
*** CHANGELOG.txt	22 Jun 2003 01:44:53 -0000	1.6
--- CHANGELOG.txt	7 Jul 2003 00:09:27 -0000	1.7
*** 1,270 ****
  Alpha Release 3
! Mark Hammond	03/02/03	Change train.py to be able to work with a bsddb database.
! Mark Hammond	03/02/03	If a new bsddb or bsddb3 module is available use this instead of a pickle in the Outlook plugin.
! Mark Hammond	03/02/03	Add tick-marks to the filter dialog.
! Mark Hammond	03/02/03	Fix SF#677804 ('Untouched fitler command error').
! Mark Hammond	04/02/03	Fix SF#642740 ('"Recover from Spam" wrong folder').
! Mark Hammond	07/02/03	Fix some errors using bsddb3 in Outlook plugin.
! Tim Stone	08/02/03	Ensure that nham and nspam are instances of integer in dbExpImp.py
! Tim Stone	08/02/03	Ensure that nham and nspam becoming strings doesn't break classification.
! Tim Stone	08/02/03	Added ability to put classification in subject or to headers (for OE).
! Tim Stone	10/02/03	Changed BAYESCUSTOMIZE environment varaible parsing from a split to a regex to fix filenames with embedded spaces.
! Mark Hammond	12/02/03	Check for correct exception when removing file in Outlook addin.
! Mark Hammond	12/02/03	Check for bsddb3 before bsddb (previously bsddb3 would never be found).
! Mark Hammond	13/02/03	Add SF#685746 ('Outlook plugin folder list sorted alphabetically').
! Mark Hammond	13/02/03	Handle exceptions when opening folders in Outlook plugin better.
! Skip Montanaro	13/02/03	Split BAYESCUSTOMIZE environment variable using os.pathsep.
! Neil Schemenauer	16/02/03	Add -c and -d options to mailsort.py.
! Neil Schemenauer	16/02/03	First check-in of dump_cdb.py
! Mark Hammond	18/02/03	Store Outlook plugin files in the "correct" Windows directory.
! Tim Stone	25/02/03	First check in of Lotus Notes filter.
! Tim Stone	25/02/03	Add option for pop3proxy to notate Subject: header.
! Tony Meyer	25/02/03	Fix bug in Corpus.get() which would never return the default value.
! Mark Hammond	26/02/03	Fix bug in dbmstorage.py for Python 2.2, which tried bsddb3 twice if it failed.
! Tony Meyer	27/02/03	Add options to add an id (as a header or in the body), strip such ids from incoming mail, find a message via the id, train messages by forwarding/bouncing to smtpproxy.
! Tony Meyer	27/02/03	First check in of smtpproxy.
! T. Alexander Popiel	27/02/03	Added various files relating to incremental training (or "self training") regimes.
! Tim Stone	27/02/03	Fix SF#693423 ('email message generates error in pop3proxy.py').
! T. Alexander Popiel	28/02/03	Put all regimes into regmies.py.  Define fpfnunsure and fnunsure regimes.
! T. Alexander Popiel	28/02/03	Fix name conflict between regimes list and regimes source file in incremental.py
! T. Alexander Popiel	28/02/03	Reduce the amount of progress output in incremental.py
! T. Alexander Popiel	01/03/03	Add option to mkgraph to spit out counts *or* error rates, and n-day averages *or* cumulative.
! Tony Meyer	01/03/03	Small modifications to smtpproxy related pop3proxy options.
! Tony Meyer	01/03/03	Expose options for adding an id to incoming mail in pop3proxy.
! Tony Meyer	01/03/03	Expose options for using smtpproxy.
! Tony Meyer	02/03/03	Added support to smtpproxy for extracting an id in a Mozilla style forwarded message (HTML table).
! Mark Hammond	03/03/03	Fix manager.py calling shutil.move (does not exist pre Python 2.3).
! Mark Hammond	03/03/03	Fix SF#696995 ('Invalid HTML comments are not ignored').
! Skip Montanaro	03/03/03	Note when subject charset is invalid (rather than raising an exception).
! Mark Hammond	04/03/03	Fix a Outlook plugin bug that could cause incorrect word scores to be used/saved when a bsddb database is used.
! Mark Hammond	04/03/03	Remove unused 'wordcache' instance variable in storage.py.
! Mark Hammond	04/03/03	Show all tokens in message when showing clues in Outlook plugin.
! Mark Hammond	04/03/03	Fix a bug in the Outlook plugin test code that used *all* ham/spam words, not just top 50.
! Mark Hammond	04/03/03	Only remember source folder when filtering, not just scoring in Outlook plugin.
! Mark Hammond	04/03/03	Only attempt to create "Spam" field on a mail item in Outlook plugin.
! Mark Hammond	04/03/03	If no items are found in Outlook plugin don't attempt to recurse folders.
! Mark Hammond	04/03/03	Fix SF#696476 ('Manual filtering in outlook fails').
! Mark Hammond	04/03/03	Fix SF#697120 ('Manual filtering in Outlook (still) fails').
! Jeremy Hylton	04/03/03	Band-aid decode_header() in pop3proxy.py
! Tim Stone	06/03/03	Added SF#690928 ('turn off saving messages in popproxy').
! Skip Montanaro	06/03/03	Catch extra exception in header parse errors.
! Tim Stone	06/03/03	Fix SF#698852 ("can't classify messages").
! Mark Hammond	07/03/03	Handle MAPI exceptions better in Outlook plugin.
! Mark Hammond	07/03/03	Centralise detection of "not found" exceptions in Outlook plugin.
! Mark Hammond	07/03/03	Supress errors in outlook plugin when hotmail connector can't save the message.
! T. Alexander Popiel	07/03/03	Added another regime to regimes.py.
! Tim Stone	08/03/03	Fix SF#700165 ('MoveFileEx doesn't exist on Win98').
! Tim Peters	08/03/03	List unique tokens one per line in Outlook plugin's ShowClues.
! Mark Hammond	09/03/03	Correct "data" directory location in export.py.
! Tony Meyer	09/03/03	Added pop3proxy include_prob option to (optionally) note the score/prob in the classification header.
! Tim Stone	09/03/03	Added configuration for pop3proxy include_prob option, add_mailid_to and strip_incoming mailIds options.
! Tony Meyer	10/03/03	Added level & evidence headers in pop3proxy.
! Tony Meyer	11/03/03	Fixes a bug in pop3proxy/smtpproxy where headers will appear in the message body.
! Mark Hammond	12/03/03	Added pop3proxy_service.py
! Tony Meyer	12/03/03	Update web ui so that boolean options are radio buttons rather than text boxes, and multiple choice options are checkboxes.
! Tony Meyer	12/03/03	Separated out pop3proxy options and header options in pop3proxy web ui.
! Tony Meyer	12/03/03	Adds UpdatableConfigParser.
! Tony Meyer	12/03/03	Changes Options.py to use UpdatableConfigParser rather than ConfigParser.
! Tony Meyer	13/03/03	Revert Options.py to ConfigParser from UpdatableConfigParser.
! Mark Hammond	16/03/03	Allow messages to be scored after training in Outlook plugin.
! Mark Hammond	16/03/03	Fix bug in Outlook plugin where filter operation report was reporting incorrect total.
! Mark Hammond	17/03/03	Warn, but ignore errors walking the folder tree in Outlook plugin.
! Mark Hammond	17/03/03	Fix SF#704921 ('"Train now" (outlook) fails ').
! Mark Hammond	17/03/03	Prevent a single error filtering a message from stopping the whole filter process in Outlook plugin.
! Mark Hammond	18/03/03	Ensure all buttons are greyed during filter process in Outlook plugin.
! Mark Hammond	18/03/03	When running Outlook plugin from a binary redirect output to a log.
! Mark Hammond	18/03/03	Version 002 of the binary.
! Mark Hammond	20/03/03	Ensure database is saved before testing outlook plugin.
! Mark Hammond	20/03/03	Fix error in testing outlook plugin (getting wrong end of sorted list).
! Tim Stone	20/03/03	Added SF#703283 ('mboxtrain only trains on cur in maildir').
! Mark Hammond	23/03/03	Fix SF#707491 ('Pop3 proxy service code for Windows doesn't work...').
! Tim Stone	28/03/03	Unicode print error fix in notesfilter.
! Tony Meyer	03/04/03	Expire messages from the unknown pop3proxy cache as well as ham/spam caches.
! Tony Meyer	03/04/03	Kick off expiry check each time a client connects to the proxy rather than on startup, for those who have the proxy stable!
! Tony Meyer	03/04/03	Add "show clues" button to the review message page in pop3proxy ui.
! Tony Meyer	07/04/03	First check-in of IMAP filter.
! Tim Stone	07/04/03	First check-in of message.py
! Tim Stone	07/04/03	Changed imapfilter to use the message class.
! Tony Meyer	08/04/03	Introduce a IMAPMessage class based on the spambayes Message class.
! Tony Meyer	08/04/03	Introduce an iterable IMAPFolder class.
! Tony Meyer	08/04/03	Allow filtering of multiple folders in IMAP filter.
! Tim Stone	08/04/03	Added methods to message.py to support copying one message to another.
! Tim Stone	08/04/03	Added logic to imapfilter to ensure that classification and training memory is preserved.
! Tony Meyer	09/04/03	Update imapfilter to reflect message class changes.
! Tim Stone	10/04/03	Made base message class more abstract and added a SBHeaderMessage class.
! Tim Stone	10/04/03	Made imapfilter use the new message class.
! Tim Stone	12/04/03	Functional version of the imapfilter.
! Tim Stone	13/04/03	Raise an error if message.py is asked to remember an unknown classification.
! Tim Stone	13/04/03	General cleanup of imapfilter.
! Tim Stone	13/04/03	Remove old message ids from the message info db when using imapfilter.
! Skip Montanaro	13/04/03	Fix train() in mboxtrain.
! Tony Meyer	13/04/03	Fix for user interface showing incorrect server strings when using pop3proxy_service.
! Tony Meyer	13/04/03	Various speed improvements to imapfilter.
! Tim Stone	14/04/03	Fixed the imapfilter docstring not printing.
! Tim Stone	14/04/03	Changed imapfilter -e argument to y/n.
! Tim Stone	14/04/03	Added -l argument to imapfilter allowing looping.
! Tim Stone	14/04/03	Correctly extract timestamp for new messages in imapfilter.
! Tony Meyer	16/04/03	Fix an imapfilter invalid date problem.
! Tim Stone	17/04/03	Corrected newline mangling in imapfilter.
! Tim Stone	17/04/03	Corrected folder comparison operator in imapfilter.
! Tim Stone	17/04/03	Refactored functionality into an IMAPSession class.
! Tim Stone	17/04/03	Added -p option for password prompt in imapfilter.
! Tim Stone	17/04/03	Corrected imapfilter training error which would result in no training being done.
! Tim Stone	17/04/03	Corrected an error in the timed loop that unnecessarily kept imap sessions open.
! Tim Stone	17/04/03	Moved the header repaid regex into the message class.
! Tony Meyer	17/04/03	Added ConfigParser from Python 2.3 which solves many problems in the 2.2 version.
! Tony Meyer	17/04/03	Updated UpdatableConfigParser to use new 2.3 ConfigParser.
! Tony Meyer	18/04/03	Remove support for pop3proxy_port, pop3proxy_server_name and pop3proxy_server_port otpions (long deprecated).
! Tony Meyer	18/04/03	Remove option to launch smtpproxy and always do this from pop3proxy (if servers are specified).
! Tony Meyer	18/04/03	Fix smtpproxy bug that would prevent mail sent in the same session as training mail being delivered.
! Tony Meyer	18/04/03	Major rework of configuration file reading/options.  Section names no longer ignored.
! Tony Meyer	18/04/03	Moved interface code out of pop3proxy into ImapUI, ProxyUI and UserInterface.py
! Tim Stone	18/04/03	Added web interface support to imapfilter.
! Tim Stone	18/04/03	Only start browser if required in imapfilter.
! Tony Meyer	18/04/03	Fix for time retrieval in imapfilter when the date header is missing.
! Tony Meyer	18/04/03	Change the line endings fix (pop3proxy/imapfilter) to a more robust one (from smtplib).
! Tim Stone	18/04/03	Converted pop3proxy to use message.py.  (notate-body is no longer working)
! Mark Hammond	18/04/03	Fixed Outlook plugin to work in non-English locales.
! Tony Meyer	19/04/03	Fixed updating of configuration files.
! Tim Stone	19/04/03	Correction to regex for smtpproxy servers validation.
! Tony Meyer	19/04/03	Stop IMAP filter filtering messages marked as deleted.
! Tony Meyer	19/04/03	Copy IMAP flags along with message.
! Tony Meyer	19/04/03	Use IMAP date instead of the local one.
! Tony Meyer	19/04/03	Added utility functions to Options.py to assist people to figure out what is available.
! Tony Meyer	20/04/03	Moved pop3proxy test code into separate module.
! Tony Meyer	20/04/03	Allow "" as a valid option if the valid values are defined by a regex and multiple values are allowed.
! Tony Meyer	20/04/03	Change imapfilter server option to pop3proxy style (i.e. server[:port])
! Tony Meyer	20/04/03	Set web interface pages to not cache.
! Tony Meyer	20/04/03	Fixed imapfilter and pop3proxy web configuration.
! Tony Meyer	20/04/03	Change the select folder config for imapfilter to two pages.
! Tony Meyer	20/04/03	Added check for parsedate failing in imapfilter.
! Tony Meyer	20/04/03	Fix the regex for the date in imapfilter.
! Tim Stone	20/04/03	Removed unnecessary imports/comments in pop3proxy.
! Tim Stone	20/04/03	Changed pop3proxy's STAT handling to return a guess at new message size.
! Tim Stone	21/04/03	Cosmetic changes to the web configuration page.
! Skip Montanaro	21/04/03	Fix crlf regex in message.py
! Tony Meyer	21/04/03	Fix SF#725307 ('Outlook plugin won't load (anymore)').
! Tim Stone	21/04/03	Rewrote is_valid method in Options.py
! Tony Meyer	22/04/03	Fixed is_valid method for sets.
! Tim Stone	22/04/03	Added extra verbose output in IMAP Filter.
! Tim Stone	22/04/03	Corrected counting error in IMAP Filter.
! Tony Meyer	22/04/03	Fix SF#725616 ('Options.py mergefiles crashes (+ fix)').
! Tony Meyer	22/04/03	Improved processing of fetch response in IMAP filter.
! Tony Meyer	24/04/03	Fix SF#725307 ("Outlook plugin won't load (anymore)").
! Tony Meyer	24/04/03	Fix SF#725466 ('Include a proper locale fix in Options.py').
! Tony Meyer	24/04/03	Fix SF#726255 ('Problem if bayescustomize.ini not there').
! Tony Meyer	24/04/03	Moved the crlf fixing from generic message class to IMAP filter.
! Tony Meyer	24/04/03	Major rewrite of Options.py
! Tony Meyer	24/04/03	Changed options with muliple values to tuples.
! Tony Meyer	24/04/03	Fixed bug where the IMAP user interface would try to display a folder before logging in.
! Tony Meyer	24/04/03	Added convert_config_file script.
! Tim Stone	24/04/03	Fix message.py incorrectly persisting/restoring state.
! Tony Meyer	24/04/03	Fix Options.py convert and unconvert functions.
! Tony Meyer	24/04/03	Fix valid characters for IMAP username and password.
! Tony Meyer	24/04/03	Improve behaviour of convert_config_file script.
! Tony Meyer	24/04/03	Check that spam/unsure/filter folders exist in IMAP before filtering/training.
! Tony Meyer	24/04/03	Removed CompatConfigParser.py
! Tony Meyer	24/04/03	Removed UpdatableConfigParser.py
! Tony Meyer	25/04/03	Added message_from_string functions to message.py and imapfilter.py
! Tony Meyer	25/04/03	Extra error checking in IMAP Filter.
! Tony Meyer	27/04/03	Minor bug fixes to Options.py
! Tony Meyer	27/04/03	Fixed configuration file reading bug forcing single space separators instead of any whitespace.
! Tony Meyer	27/04/03	Fixed Options.py bug reported by Tim Stone.
! Tony Meyer	27/04/03	Fix hammiefilter calling mergefiles instead of merge_files.
! Tony Meyer	28/04/03	Stop using IMAP uids as our ids.
! Tony Meyer	28/04/03	Fix SelectFolder bug in IMAP Filter.
! Tim Stone	28/04/03	Create IMAP session object for each login.
! Tony Meyer	28/04/03	Fix for SF#728886 ('In the pop3 UI not able to pass more than 1 server').
! Tony Meyer	28/04/03	Fix for incorrect is_boolean code in Options.py
! Tony Meyer	28/04/03	IMAP Filter now only retrieves RFC822 headers when iterating, not whole message.
! Tim Stone	28/04/03	Moved crlf replacement from IMAP to generic message class.
! Tony Meyer	30/05/03	Added url slurper.
! Mark Hammond	01/05/03	Ignore the pywin.dialogs package in the Outlook plugin install.
! Mark Hammond	01/05/03	Save the database after an explicit train.
! Mark Hammond	01/05/03	Fix globals statements in url slurper.
! Mark Hammond	01/05/03	Fix testtools import in url slurper.
! Mark Hammond	01/05/03	Print url slurper status to stderr.
! Mark Hammond	01/05/03	Added socket.error catching in url slurper.
! Mark Hammond	01/05/03	Avoid slurping non html content.
! Tony Meyer	01/05/03	Fix bug where url cache would not be in the current working directory by default.
! Tony Meyer	02/05/03	Fix temp file problem with web interface on linux.
! Tony Meyer	02/05/03	Update configuration file reading so that writing uses same delimiters.
! Tony Meyer	02/05/03	Fix temp file problem with web interface on linux.
! Tony Meyer	03/05/03	Removed OptionConfig.py
! Mark Hammond	03/05/03	Correct usage doc with respect to default directory.
! Mark Hammond	03/05/03	Fix SF#715248 ('Pickle classifier should save to a temp file first').
! Mark Hammond	03/05/03	Formalised error reporting in Outlook plugin.
! Mark Hammond	03/05/03	Created special handling for "startup errors" in Outlook plugin
! Mark Hammond	03/05/03	Allow test suite to work with bsddb3 or bsddb.
! Tony Meyer	03/05/03	Fix invalid options names in IMAP and POP3 user interface.
! Tony Meyer	03/05/03	Fix incorrect state information displaying after configuration.
! Tim Stone	04/05/03	Catch exception when a file in the pop3proxy cache mysteriously disappears.
! Tony Meyer	04/05/03	Fix bug stopping some messages loading into pop3proxy cache.
! Tony Meyer	06/05/03	Added getattr backwards compatibility for renamed options.
! Tony Meyer	06/05/03	IMAP Filter now deletes existing spambayes headers before training.
! Tony Meyer	06/05/03	Added "Storage":"messageinfo_storage_file" option.
! Tony Meyer	06/05/03	Fix for SF#733247 ('crash when using merged-in options').
! Tony Meyer	11/05/03	Fixed KeyError bug in message.py.
! Tony Meyer	11/05/03	Added SSL support to imapfilter (untested).
! Tony Meyer	13/05/03	Added refresh button to review messages page in pop3proxy ui.
! Tony Meyer	13/05/03	Added "check again" link on 'no more untrained messages page' in pop3proxy ui.
! Tony Meyer	13/05/03	Added "html_ui":"display_to" option.
! Mark Hammond	14/05/03	Various changes to urlslurper.py
! Mark Hammond	14/05/03	Fix SF#737956 ('No hourglass when building folder lists').
! Mark Hammond	14/05/03	Fix SF#737955 ('Transient connection error disables plugin').
! Tony Meyer	14/05/03	Added missing import to UserInterface.py
! Tony Meyer	14/05/03	Increased efforts to stop browsers caching the interface pages.
! Mark Hammond	15/05/03	The training dialog now shows a correct progress bar for the *complete* operation - training *and* scoring
! Mark Hammond	15/05/03	Fix SF#706170 ('Execute test suite fails in Outlook').
! Mark Hammond	15/05/03	Save bsddb databases after a training operation (should prevent Outlook ever saving at shutdown).
! Mark Hammond	15/05/03	Print how long each save takes (so people can complain).
! Mark Hammond	15/05/03	Keep and print some stats about how many items SpamBayes saw.
! Tim Peters	19/05/03	Catch BoundaryError when parsing messages.
! Tim Peters	19/05/03	Improve tokenisation for messages that have text that looks like Wr<!$FS|i|R3$s80sA >inkle Reduc<!$FS|i|R3$s80sA >tion
! Tim Peters	19/05/03	Decode numeric character entities in html.
! Tim Peters	19/05/03	Replace <p> and <br> tages with single blanks.
! Tony Meyer	21/05/03	Cosmetic changes to pop3proxy and imapfilter interface.
! Tony Meyer	21/05/03	Remove the "account for string nham/nspam" code in classifier.
! Tony Meyer	25/05/03	Expose experimental ham/spam imbalance option to pop3proxy/imapfilter users
! Tim Peters	25/05/03	Restore __slots__ declaration to WordInfo object in classifier.py
! Tim Peters	25/05/03	PickledClassifier.load():  use getstate/setstate to copy the state. 
! Tony Meyer	26/05/03	Fix SF#737986 ('Message.as_string() fails.').
! Tony Meyer	26/05/03	Restore notate_to and notate_subject functionality to pop3proxy.
! Mark Hammond    29/05/03    DB classifier keeps a list of "changed words" to prevent saves from updating *all* words.
! Mark Hammond    29/05/03    DB classifier doesn't cache hapaxes.
! Mark Hammond    03/06/03    Handle malformed messages better in the Outlook plugin.
! Mark Hammond    03/06/03    In Outlook plugin, create our own toolbar, rather than using the standard one.
! Mark Hammond    03/06/03    Fix an Outlook plugin error that would try to save the database when classifying.
! Mark Hammond    03/06/03    Make Outlook plugin log refer to "Spambayes" rather than "SpamAddin"
! Mark Hammond    03/06/03    Use 'wait' cursor when incremental training in Outlook plugin.
! Mark Hammond    03/06/03    In Outlook plugin, save config when dialog closes and not at shutdown.
! Mark Hammond    03/06/03    Clean up toolbar images.
! Mark Hammond    04/06/03    In Outlook plugin, no longer default to the "Inbox" (see also SF#741797 ('Does not filter incoming mail')).
! Mark Hammond    04/06/03    In Outlook plugin, when filtering, saving the spam score is no longer fatal.
! Tony Meyer  04/06/03    In muttrc, fix incorrect Spambayes header name.
! Mark Hammond    05/06/03    Add a version information repository.
! Mark Hammond    05/06/03    Change Outlook plugin to use new version information repository.
! Neale Pickett   06/06/03    Integrated code for the VM mailer into spambayes.el
! Tony Meyer  08/06/03    Add pop3proxy, hammie, smtpproxy & imapfilter version information.
! Skip Montanaro  10/06/03    Correction to VM mailer addition to spambayes.el
! Tony Meyer  12/06/03    Update pop3proxy and imapfilter to print out version information.
! Mark Hammond	16/06/03	Split OptionsClass into a separate file.
! Mark Hammond	16/06/03	Allow lists to be used for multi-valued options.
! Mark Hammond	16/06/03	Allow the first entry in the "defaults" table to be a sub-class of Option.
! Mark Hammond	16/06/03	In Outlook plugin, when training, instead of suggesting the inbox, suggest folders we watch.
! Mark Hammond	16/06/03	In Outlook plugin, change "Anti-Spam" on the dropdown to "SpamBayes"
! Mark Hammond	16/06/03	In Outlook plugin, huge changes to configuration.  No longer use a pickle, but instead a series of .INI files.
! Mark Hammond	17/06/03	2 new [General] options for Outlook plugin - delete_as_spam_message_state and recover_from_spam_message_state.
! Mark Hammond	17/06/03	In Outlook plugin, prevent "Deleted items", Outbox and Sent Items from appearing in the folder list.  Fixes: [ 749277 ] Should prevent "Deleted Items" being target folder.
! Mark Hammond	17/06/03	In Outlook plugin, catch the assertion error in the classifier, and warn the user their database is corrupt.
! Mark Hammond	17/06/03	In Outlook plugin, introduce ReportErrorOnce, useful for errors on event handlers that you don't want to bombard the user with.
! Mark Hammond	17/06/03	In Outlook plugin, an error on a single sub-folder need not be fatal.  Hopefully fixes [ 743515 ] Unable to expand folders in folder selection dialog.
! Mark Hammond	17/06/03	In Outlook plugin, DeleteAsSpam didn't detect "no folder" correctly.
! Anthony Baxter	17/06/03	In IMAPFilter interface, fix parm_map code.
! Mark Hammond	18/06/03	In Outlook plugin, allow either spam or unsure messages to be marked as read as they are filtered.
! Mark Hammond	18/06/03	In Outlook plugin, more work on the toolbar.
! Mark Hammond	19/06/03	In Outlook plugin, change "Anti-Spam Manager" -> "SpamBayes Manager"
! Mark Hammond	20/06/03	In Outlook plugin, add a 'verbose' option to the options.
! Neale Pickett	21/06/03	In hammiefilter,  make untrain mode work.
! Tony Meyer	22/06/03	Fix RFC822.PEEK error in imapfilter.
--- 1,295 ----
+ Alpha Release 4
+ ===============
+ Tony Meyer  04/07/2003  Fix SF#761677 ("mboxtrain.py's -n optionhas no effect")
+ Richie Hindle   03/07/2003  Put the current date and time into the footer of the web interface, rather than always displaying "Mon Dec 30 14:04:32 2002".
+ Richie Hindle   03/07/2003  Fix a bug in pop3proxy where long attachments would be broken.
+ Richie Hindle   02/07/2003  If an exception occurs parsing a message in pop3proxy, append an 'exception' header to the message and recover.
+ Richie Hindle   02/07/2003  Stop the pop3proxy including the trailing . when passing messages to the email package.
+ Mark Hammond	01/07/2003	Version 003 of the binary.
+ Mark Hammond    01/07/2003  In outlook plugin, display a message for "Delete as Spam" or "Recover from Spam" when SpamBayes is not enabled.
+ Skip Montanaro  01/07/2003  Encode unicode objects as utf-8 before using as a key for DBDictClassifier instances. (Fixes [ spambayes-Bugs-761670 ] Unexpected unicode key inbsd db)
+ Mark Hammond    01/07/2003  In Outlook plugin, toolbar was not initialized when "Outlook Today" was the default view.
+ Mark Hammond    30/06/2003  In Outlook plugin, don't (try to) do OnStartupComplete work if OnConnection failed.
+ Mark Hammond    30/06/2003  In Outlook plugin, log the repr() of messages displayed in a dialog, as they often have embedded \r\n chars - repr() keeps the whole thing to a single line.
+ Tim Peters  28/06/2003  A new stripper to squash yet another way of hiding content in HTML spam, like Ere<frame><noframes>ywl55</noframes></frame>ctions to hide Erections.
+ Tim Peters  27/06/2003  In storage.py store():  If a Shelf db doesn't have a key, then "del db[key]" should raise KeyError.
+ Tim Peters  27/06/2003  In storage.py store():  Use iteritems() instead of items() to materialize the changed_words guts.
+ Tim Peters  27/06/2003  In storage.py, check WORD_CHANGED and WORD_DELETED with is not ==.
+ Tim Peters  27/06/2003  Remove a superstituous check for None in storage.py (_wordinfoset()).
+ Tim Peters  27/06/2003  Fix a bug in storage.py (_wordinfoget()) which could cause incorrect token counts.
+ Tony Meyer	23/06/2003	In imapfilter, try to append without flags if appending fails.
+ Tony Meyer	23/06/2003	Implement SF#755098 - "Progress Indicator in imapfilter"
+ Tony Meyer	23/06/2003	Fix the -i switch in imapfilter.
+ Barry Warsaw	22/06/2003	Don't try and get password from options if -p is specified in imapfilter.
+ Barry Warsaw	22/06/2003	Fix an import error in imapfilter.
  Alpha Release 3
! Tony Meyer	22/06/2003	Fix RFC822.PEEK error in imapfilter.
! Neale Pickett	21/06/2003	"In hammiefilter,  make untrain mode work."
! Mark Hammond	20/06/2003	"In Outlook plugin, add a 'verbose' option to the options."
! Mark Hammond	19/06/2003	"In Outlook plugin, change ""Anti-Spam Manager"" -> ""SpamBayes Manager"""
! Mark Hammond	18/06/2003	"In Outlook plugin, allow either spam or unsure messages to be marked as read as they are filtered."
! Mark Hammond	18/06/2003	"In Outlook plugin, more work on the toolbar."
! Mark Hammond	17/06/2003	2 new [General] options for Outlook plugin - delete_as_spam_message_state and recover_from_spam_message_state.
! Mark Hammond	17/06/2003	"In Outlook plugin, prevent ""Deleted items"", Outbox and Sent Items from appearing in the folder list.  Fixes: [ 749277 ] Should prevent ""Deleted Items"" being target folder."
! Mark Hammond	17/06/2003	"In Outlook plugin, catch the assertion error in the classifier, and warn the user their database is corrupt."
! Mark Hammond	17/06/2003	"In Outlook plugin, introduce ReportErrorOnce, useful for errors on event handlers that you don't want to bombard the user with."
! Mark Hammond	17/06/2003	"In Outlook plugin, an error on a single sub-folder need not be fatal.  Hopefully fixes [ 743515 ] Unable to expand folders in folder selection dialog."
! Mark Hammond	17/06/2003	"In Outlook plugin, DeleteAsSpam didn't detect ""no folder"" correctly."
! Anthony Baxter	17/06/2003	"In IMAPFilter interface, fix parm_map code."
! Mark Hammond	16/06/2003	Split OptionsClass into a separate file.
! Mark Hammond	16/06/2003	Allow lists to be used for multi-valued options.
! Mark Hammond	16/06/2003	"Allow the first entry in the ""defaults"" table to be a sub-class of Option."
! Mark Hammond	16/06/2003	"In Outlook plugin, when training, instead of suggesting the inbox, suggest folders we watch."
! Mark Hammond	16/06/2003	"In Outlook plugin, change ""Anti-Spam"" on the dropdown to ""SpamBayes"""
! Mark Hammond	16/06/2003	"In Outlook plugin, huge changes to configuration.  No longer use a pickle, but instead a series of .INI files."
! Tony Meyer	12/06/2003	Update pop3proxy and imapfilter to print out version information.
! Skip Montanaro	10/06/2003	Correction to VM mailer addition to spambayes.el
! Tony Meyer	8/06/2003	"Add pop3proxy, hammie, smtpproxy & imapfilter version information."
! Neale Pickett	6/06/2003	Integrated code for the VM mailer into spambayes.el
! Mark Hammond	5/06/2003	Add a version information repository.
! Mark Hammond	5/06/2003	Change Outlook plugin to use new version information repository.
! Mark Hammond	4/06/2003	"In Outlook plugin, no longer default to the ""Inbox"" (see also SF#741797 ('Does not filter incoming mail'))."
! Mark Hammond	4/06/2003	"In Outlook plugin, when filtering, saving the spam score is no longer fatal."
! Tony Meyer	4/06/2003	"In muttrc, fix incorrect Spambayes header name."
! Mark Hammond	3/06/2003	Handle malformed messages better in the Outlook plugin.
! Mark Hammond	3/06/2003	"In Outlook plugin, create our own toolbar, rather than using the standard one."
! Mark Hammond	3/06/2003	Fix an Outlook plugin error that would try to save the database when classifying.
! Mark Hammond	3/06/2003	"Make Outlook plugin log refer to ""Spambayes"" rather than ""SpamAddin"""
! Mark Hammond	3/06/2003	Use 'wait' cursor when incremental training in Outlook plugin.
! Mark Hammond	3/06/2003	"In Outlook plugin, save config when dialog closes and not at shutdown."
! Mark Hammond	3/06/2003	Clean up toolbar images.
! Tony Meyer	30/05/2003	Added url slurper.
! Mark Hammond	29/05/2003	"DB classifier keeps a list of ""changed words"" to prevent saves from updating *all* words."
! Mark Hammond	29/05/2003	DB classifier doesn't cache hapaxes.
! Tony Meyer	26/05/2003	Fix SF#737986 ('Message.as_string() fails.').
! Tony Meyer	26/05/2003	Restore notate_to and notate_subject functionality to pop3proxy.
! Tony Meyer	25/05/2003	Expose experimental ham/spam imbalance option to pop3proxy/imapfilter users
! Tim Peters	25/05/2003	Restore __slots__ declaration to WordInfo object in classifier.py
! Tim Peters	25/05/2003	PickledClassifier.load():  use getstate/setstate to copy the state. 
! Tony Meyer	21/05/2003	Cosmetic changes to pop3proxy and imapfilter interface.
! Tony Meyer	21/05/2003	"Remove the ""account for string nham/nspam"" code in classifier."
! Tim Peters	19/05/2003	Catch BoundaryError when parsing messages.
! Tim Peters	19/05/2003	Improve tokenisation for messages that have text that looks like Wr<!$FS|i|R3$s80sA >inkle Reduc<!$FS|i|R3$s80sA >tion
! Tim Peters	19/05/2003	Decode numeric character entities in html.
! Tim Peters	19/05/2003	Replace <p> and <br> tages with single blanks.
! Mark Hammond	15/05/2003	The training dialog now shows a correct progress bar for the *complete* operation - training *and* scoring
! Mark Hammond	15/05/2003	Fix SF#706170 ('Execute test suite fails in Outlook').
! Mark Hammond	15/05/2003	Save bsddb databases after a training operation (should prevent Outlook ever saving at shutdown).
! Mark Hammond	15/05/2003	Print how long each save takes (so people can complain).
! Mark Hammond	15/05/2003	Keep and print some stats about how many items SpamBayes saw.
! Mark Hammond	14/05/2003	Various changes to urlslurper.py
! Mark Hammond	14/05/2003	Fix SF#737956 ('No hourglass when building folder lists').
! Mark Hammond	14/05/2003	Fix SF#737955 ('Transient connection error disables plugin').
! Tony Meyer	14/05/2003	Added missing import to UserInterface.py
! Tony Meyer	14/05/2003	Increased efforts to stop browsers caching the interface pages.
! Tony Meyer	13/05/2003	Added refresh button to review messages page in pop3proxy ui.
! Tony Meyer	13/05/2003	"Added ""check again"" link on 'no more untrained messages page' in pop3proxy ui."
! Tony Meyer	13/05/2003	"Added ""html_ui"":""display_to"" option."
! Tony Meyer	11/05/2003	Fixed KeyError bug in message.py.
! Tony Meyer	11/05/2003	Added SSL support to imapfilter (untested).
! Tony Meyer	6/05/2003	Added getattr backwards compatibility for renamed options.
! Tony Meyer	6/05/2003	IMAP Filter now deletes existing spambayes headers before training.
! Tony Meyer	6/05/2003	"Added ""Storage"":""messageinfo_storage_file"" option."
! Tony Meyer	6/05/2003	Fix for SF#733247 ('crash when using merged-in options').
! Tim Stone	4/05/2003	Catch exception when a file in the pop3proxy cache mysteriously disappears.
! Tony Meyer	4/05/2003	Fix bug stopping some messages loading into pop3proxy cache.
! Tony Meyer	3/05/2003	Removed OptionConfig.py
! Mark Hammond	3/05/2003	Correct usage doc with respect to default directory.
! Mark Hammond	3/05/2003	Fix SF#715248 ('Pickle classifier should save to a temp file first').
! Mark Hammond	3/05/2003	Formalised error reporting in Outlook plugin.
! Mark Hammond	3/05/2003	"Created special handling for ""startup errors"" in Outlook plugin"
! Mark Hammond	3/05/2003	Allow test suite to work with bsddb3 or bsddb.
! Tony Meyer	3/05/2003	Fix invalid options names in IMAP and POP3 user interface.
! Tony Meyer	3/05/2003	Fix incorrect state information displaying after configuration.
! Tony Meyer	2/05/2003	Fix temp file problem with web interface on linux.
! Tony Meyer	2/05/2003	Update configuration file reading so that writing uses same delimiters.
! Tony Meyer	2/05/2003	Fix temp file problem with web interface on linux.
! Mark Hammond	1/05/2003	Ignore the pywin.dialogs package in the Outlook plugin install.
! Mark Hammond	1/05/2003	Save the database after an explicit train.
! Mark Hammond	1/05/2003	Fix globals statements in url slurper.
! Mark Hammond	1/05/2003	Fix testtools import in url slurper.
! Mark Hammond	1/05/2003	Print url slurper status to stderr.
! Mark Hammond	1/05/2003	Added socket.error catching in url slurper.
! Mark Hammond	1/05/2003	Avoid slurping non html content.
! Tony Meyer	1/05/2003	Fix bug where url cache would not be in the current working directory by default.
! Tony Meyer	28/04/2003	Stop using IMAP uids as our ids.
! Tony Meyer	28/04/2003	Fix SelectFolder bug in IMAP Filter.
! Tim Stone	28/04/2003	Create IMAP session object for each login.
! Tony Meyer	28/04/2003	Fix for SF#728886 ('In the pop3 UI not able to pass more than 1 server').
! Tony Meyer	28/04/2003	Fix for incorrect is_boolean code in Options.py
! Tony Meyer	28/04/2003	"IMAP Filter now only retrieves RFC822 headers when iterating, not whole message."
! Tim Stone	28/04/2003	Moved crlf replacement from IMAP to generic message class.
! Tony Meyer	27/04/2003	Minor bug fixes to Options.py
! Tony Meyer	27/04/2003	Fixed configuration file reading bug forcing single space separators instead of any whitespace.
! Tony Meyer	27/04/2003	Fixed Options.py bug reported by Tim Stone.
! Tony Meyer	27/04/2003	Fix hammiefilter calling mergefiles instead of merge_files.
! Tony Meyer	25/04/2003	Added message_from_string functions to message.py and imapfilter.py
! Tony Meyer	25/04/2003	Extra error checking in IMAP Filter.
! Tony Meyer	24/04/2003	"Fix SF#725307 (""Outlook plugin won't load (anymore)"")."
! Tony Meyer	24/04/2003	Fix SF#725466 ('Include a proper locale fix in Options.py').
! Tony Meyer	24/04/2003	Fix SF#726255 ('Problem if bayescustomize.ini not there').
! Tony Meyer	24/04/2003	Moved the crlf fixing from generic message class to IMAP filter.
! Tony Meyer	24/04/2003	Major rewrite of Options.py
! Tony Meyer	24/04/2003	Changed options with muliple values to tuples.
! Tony Meyer	24/04/2003	Fixed bug where the IMAP user interface would try to display a folder before logging in.
! Tony Meyer	24/04/2003	Added convert_config_file script.
! Tim Stone	24/04/2003	Fix message.py incorrectly persisting/restoring state.
! Tony Meyer	24/04/2003	Fix Options.py convert and unconvert functions.
! Tony Meyer	24/04/2003	Fix valid characters for IMAP username and password.
! Tony Meyer	24/04/2003	Improve behaviour of convert_config_file script.
! Tony Meyer	24/04/2003	Check that spam/unsure/filter folders exist in IMAP before filtering/training.
! Tony Meyer	24/04/2003	Removed CompatConfigParser.py
! Tony Meyer	24/04/2003	Removed UpdatableConfigParser.py
! Tony Meyer	22/04/2003	Fixed is_valid method for sets.
! Tim Stone	22/04/2003	Added extra verbose output in IMAP Filter.
! Tim Stone	22/04/2003	Corrected counting error in IMAP Filter.
! Tony Meyer	22/04/2003	Fix SF#725616 ('Options.py mergefiles crashes (+ fix)').
! Tony Meyer	22/04/2003	Improved processing of fetch response in IMAP filter.
! Tim Stone	21/04/2003	Cosmetic changes to the web configuration page.
! Skip Montanaro	21/04/2003	Fix crlf regex in message.py
! Tony Meyer	21/04/2003	Fix SF#725307 ('Outlook plugin won't load (anymore)').
! Tim Stone	21/04/2003	Rewrote is_valid method in Options.py
! Tony Meyer	20/04/2003	Moved pop3proxy test code into separate module.
! Tony Meyer	20/04/2003	"Allow """" as a valid option if the valid values are defined by a regex and multiple values are allowed."
! Tony Meyer	20/04/2003	Change imapfilter server option to pop3proxy style (i.e. server[:port])
! Tony Meyer	20/04/2003	Set web interface pages to not cache.
! Tony Meyer	20/04/2003	Fixed imapfilter and pop3proxy web configuration.
! Tony Meyer	20/04/2003	Change the select folder config for imapfilter to two pages.
! Tony Meyer	20/04/2003	Added check for parsedate failing in imapfilter.
! Tony Meyer	20/04/2003	Fix the regex for the date in imapfilter.
! Tim Stone	20/04/2003	Removed unnecessary imports/comments in pop3proxy.
! Tim Stone	20/04/2003	Changed pop3proxy's STAT handling to return a guess at new message size.
! Tony Meyer	19/04/2003	Fixed updating of configuration files.
! Tim Stone	19/04/2003	Correction to regex for smtpproxy servers validation.
! Tony Meyer	19/04/2003	Stop IMAP filter filtering messages marked as deleted.
! Tony Meyer	19/04/2003	Copy IMAP flags along with message.
! Tony Meyer	19/04/2003	Use IMAP date instead of the local one.
! Tony Meyer	19/04/2003	Added utility functions to Options.py to assist people to figure out what is available.
! Tony Meyer	18/04/2003	"Remove support for pop3proxy_port, pop3proxy_server_name and pop3proxy_server_port otpions (long deprecated)."
! Tony Meyer	18/04/2003	Remove option to launch smtpproxy and always do this from pop3proxy (if servers are specified).
! Tony Meyer	18/04/2003	Fix smtpproxy bug that would prevent mail sent in the same session as training mail being delivered.
! Tony Meyer	18/04/2003	Major rework of configuration file reading/options.  Section names no longer ignored.
! Tony Meyer	18/04/2003	"Moved interface code out of pop3proxy into ImapUI, ProxyUI and UserInterface.py"
! Tim Stone	18/04/2003	Added web interface support to imapfilter.
! Tim Stone	18/04/2003	Only start browser if required in imapfilter.
! Tony Meyer	18/04/2003	Fix for time retrieval in imapfilter when the date header is missing.
! Tony Meyer	18/04/2003	Change the line endings fix (pop3proxy/imapfilter) to a more robust one (from smtplib).
! Tim Stone	18/04/2003	Converted pop3proxy to use message.py.  (notate-body is no longer working)
! Mark Hammond	18/04/2003	Fixed Outlook plugin to work in non-English locales.
! Tim Stone	17/04/2003	Corrected newline mangling in imapfilter.
! Tim Stone	17/04/2003	Corrected folder comparison operator in imapfilter.
! Tim Stone	17/04/2003	Refactored functionality into an IMAPSession class.
! Tim Stone	17/04/2003	Added -p option for password prompt in imapfilter.
! Tim Stone	17/04/2003	Corrected imapfilter training error which would result in no training being done.
! Tim Stone	17/04/2003	Corrected an error in the timed loop that unnecessarily kept imap sessions open.
! Tim Stone	17/04/2003	Moved the header repaid regex into the message class.
! Tony Meyer	17/04/2003	Added ConfigParser from Python 2.3 which solves many problems in the 2.2 version.
! Tony Meyer	17/04/2003	Updated UpdatableConfigParser to use new 2.3 ConfigParser.
! Tony Meyer	16/04/2003	Fix an imapfilter invalid date problem.
! Tim Stone	14/04/2003	Fixed the imapfilter docstring not printing.
! Tim Stone	14/04/2003	Changed imapfilter -e argument to y/n.
! Tim Stone	14/04/2003	Added -l argument to imapfilter allowing looping.
! Tim Stone	14/04/2003	Correctly extract timestamp for new messages in imapfilter.
! Tim Stone	13/04/2003	Raise an error if message.py is asked to remember an unknown classification.
! Tim Stone	13/04/2003	General cleanup of imapfilter.
! Tim Stone	13/04/2003	Remove old message ids from the message info db when using imapfilter.
! Skip Montanaro	13/04/2003	Fix train() in mboxtrain.
! Tony Meyer	13/04/2003	Fix for user interface showing incorrect server strings when using pop3proxy_service.
! Tony Meyer	13/04/2003	Various speed improvements to imapfilter.
! Tim Stone	12/04/2003	Functional version of the imapfilter.
! Tim Stone	10/04/2003	Made base message class more abstract and added a SBHeaderMessage class.
! Tim Stone	10/04/2003	Made imapfilter use the new message class.
! Tony Meyer	9/04/2003	Update imapfilter to reflect message class changes.
! Tony Meyer	8/04/2003	Introduce a IMAPMessage class based on the spambayes Message class.
! Tony Meyer	8/04/2003	Introduce an iterable IMAPFolder class.
! Tony Meyer	8/04/2003	Allow filtering of multiple folders in IMAP filter.
! Tim Stone	8/04/2003	Added methods to message.py to support copying one message to another.
! Tim Stone	8/04/2003	Added logic to imapfilter to ensure that classification and training memory is preserved.
! Tony Meyer	7/04/2003	First check-in of IMAP filter.
! Tim Stone	7/04/2003	First check-in of message.py
! Tim Stone	7/04/2003	Changed imapfilter to use the message class.
! Tony Meyer	3/04/2003	Expire messages from the unknown pop3proxy cache as well as ham/spam caches.
! Tony Meyer	3/04/2003	"Kick off expiry check each time a client connects to the proxy rather than on startup, for those who have the proxy stable!"
! Tony Meyer	3/04/2003	"Add ""show clues"" button to the review message page in pop3proxy ui."
! Tim Stone	28/03/2003	Unicode print error fix in notesfilter.
! Mark Hammond	23/03/2003	Fix SF#707491 ('Pop3 proxy service code for Windows doesn't work...').
! Mark Hammond	20/03/2003	Ensure database is saved before testing outlook plugin.
! Mark Hammond	20/03/2003	Fix error in testing outlook plugin (getting wrong end of sorted list).
! Tim Stone	20/03/2003	Added SF#703283 ('mboxtrain only trains on cur in maildir').
! Mark Hammond	18/03/2003	Ensure all buttons are greyed during filter process in Outlook plugin.
! Mark Hammond	18/03/2003	When running Outlook plugin from a binary redirect output to a log.
! Mark Hammond	18/03/2003	Version 002 of the binary.
! Mark Hammond	17/03/2003	"Warn, but ignore errors walking the folder tree in Outlook plugin."
! Mark Hammond	17/03/2003	"Fix SF#704921 ('""Train now"" (outlook) fails ')."
! Mark Hammond	17/03/2003	Prevent a single error filtering a message from stopping the whole filter process in Outlook plugin.
! Mark Hammond	16/03/2003	Allow messages to be scored after training in Outlook plugin.
! Mark Hammond	16/03/2003	Fix bug in Outlook plugin where filter operation report was reporting incorrect total.
! Tony Meyer	13/03/2003	Revert Options.py to ConfigParser from UpdatableConfigParser.
! Mark Hammond	12/03/2003	Added pop3proxy_service.py
! Tony Meyer	12/03/2003	"Update web ui so that boolean options are radio buttons rather than text boxes, and multiple choice options are checkboxes."
! Tony Meyer	12/03/2003	Separated out pop3proxy options and header options in pop3proxy web ui.
! Tony Meyer	12/03/2003	Adds UpdatableConfigParser.
! Tony Meyer	12/03/2003	Changes Options.py to use UpdatableConfigParser rather than ConfigParser.
! Tony Meyer	11/03/2003	Fixes a bug in pop3proxy/smtpproxy where headers will appear in the message body.
! Tony Meyer	10/03/2003	Added level & evidence headers in pop3proxy.
! Mark Hammond	9/03/2003	"Correct ""data"" directory location in export.py."
! Tony Meyer	9/03/2003	Added pop3proxy include_prob option to (optionally) note the score/prob in the classification header.
! Tim Stone	9/03/2003	"Added configuration for pop3proxy include_prob option, add_mailid_to and strip_incoming mailIds options."
! Tim Stone	8/03/2003	Fix SF#700165 ('MoveFileEx doesn't exist on Win98').
! Tim Peters	8/03/2003	List unique tokens one per line in Outlook plugin's ShowClues.
! Mark Hammond	7/03/2003	Handle MAPI exceptions better in Outlook plugin.
! Mark Hammond	7/03/2003	"Centralise detection of ""not found"" exceptions in Outlook plugin."
! Mark Hammond	7/03/2003	Supress errors in outlook plugin when hotmail connector can't save the message.
! T. Alexander Popiel	7/03/2003	Added another regime to regimes.py.
! Tim Stone	6/03/2003	Added SF#690928 ('turn off saving messages in popproxy').
! Skip Montanaro	6/03/2003	Catch extra exception in header parse errors.
! Tim Stone	6/03/2003	"Fix SF#698852 (""can't classify messages"")."
! Mark Hammond	4/03/2003	Fix a Outlook plugin bug that could cause incorrect word scores to be used/saved when a bsddb database is used.
! Mark Hammond	4/03/2003	Remove unused 'wordcache' instance variable in storage.py.
! Mark Hammond	4/03/2003	Show all tokens in message when showing clues in Outlook plugin.
! Mark Hammond	4/03/2003	"Fix a bug in the Outlook plugin test code that used *all* ham/spam words, not just top 50."
! Mark Hammond	4/03/2003	"Only remember source folder when filtering, not just scoring in Outlook plugin."
! Mark Hammond	4/03/2003	"Only attempt to create ""Spam"" field on a mail item in Outlook plugin."
! Mark Hammond	4/03/2003	If no items are found in Outlook plugin don't attempt to recurse folders.
! Mark Hammond	4/03/2003	Fix SF#696476 ('Manual filtering in outlook fails').
! Mark Hammond	4/03/2003	Fix SF#697120 ('Manual filtering in Outlook (still) fails').
! Jeremy Hylton	4/03/2003	Band-aid decode_header() in pop3proxy.py
! Mark Hammond	3/03/2003	Fix manager.py calling shutil.move (does not exist pre Python 2.3).
! Mark Hammond	3/03/2003	Fix SF#696995 ('Invalid HTML comments are not ignored').
! Skip Montanaro	3/03/2003	Note when subject charset is invalid (rather than raising an exception).
! Tony Meyer	2/03/2003	Added support to smtpproxy for extracting an id in a Mozilla style forwarded message (HTML table).
! T. Alexander Popiel	1/03/2003	"Add option to mkgraph to spit out counts *or* error rates, and n-day averages *or* cumulative."
! Tony Meyer	1/03/2003	Small modifications to smtpproxy related pop3proxy options.
! Tony Meyer	1/03/2003	Expose options for adding an id to incoming mail in pop3proxy.
! Tony Meyer	1/03/2003	Expose options for using smtpproxy.
! T. Alexander Popiel	28/02/2003	Put all regimes into regmies.py.  Define fpfnunsure and fnunsure regimes.
! T. Alexander Popiel	28/02/2003	Fix name conflict between regimes list and regimes source file in incremental.py
! T. Alexander Popiel	28/02/2003	Reduce the amount of progress output in incremental.py
! Tony Meyer	27/02/2003	"Add options to add an id (as a header or in the body), strip such ids from incoming mail, find a message via the id, train messages by forwarding/bouncing to smtpproxy."
! Tony Meyer	27/02/2003	First check in of smtpproxy.
! T. Alexander Popiel	27/02/2003	"Added various files relating to incremental training (or ""self training"") regimes."
! Tim Stone	27/02/2003	Fix SF#693423 ('email message generates error in pop3proxy.py').
! Mark Hammond	26/02/2003	"Fix bug in dbmstorage.py for Python 2.2, which tried bsddb3 twice if it failed."
! Tim Stone	25/02/2003	First check in of Lotus Notes filter.
! Tim Stone	25/02/2003	Add option for pop3proxy to notate Subject: header.
! Tony Meyer	25/02/2003	Fix bug in Corpus.get() which would never return the default value.
! Mark Hammond	18/02/2003	"Store Outlook plugin files in the ""correct"" Windows directory."
! Neil Schemenauer	16/02/2003	Add -c and -d options to mailsort.py.
! Neil Schemenauer	16/02/2003	First check-in of dump_cdb.py
! Mark Hammond	13/02/2003	Add SF#685746 ('Outlook plugin folder list sorted alphabetically').
! Mark Hammond	13/02/2003	Handle exceptions when opening folders in Outlook plugin better.
! Skip Montanaro	13/02/2003	Split BAYESCUSTOMIZE environment variable using os.pathsep.
! Mark Hammond	12/02/2003	Check for correct exception when removing file in Outlook addin.
! Mark Hammond	12/02/2003	Check for bsddb3 before bsddb (previously bsddb3 would never be found).
! Tim Stone	10/02/2003	Changed BAYESCUSTOMIZE environment varaible parsing from a split to a regex to fix filenames with embedded spaces.
! Tim Stone	8/02/2003	Ensure that nham and nspam are instances of integer in dbExpImp.py
! Tim Stone	8/02/2003	Ensure that nham and nspam becoming strings doesn't break classification.
! Tim Stone	8/02/2003	Added ability to put classification in subject or to headers (for OE).
! Mark Hammond	7/02/2003	Fix some errors using bsddb3 in Outlook plugin.
! Mark Hammond	4/02/2003	"Fix SF#642740 ('""Recover from Spam"" wrong folder')."
! Mark Hammond	3/02/2003	Change train.py to be able to work with a bsddb database.
! Mark Hammond	3/02/2003	If a new bsddb or bsddb3 module is available use this instead of a pickle in the Outlook plugin.
! Mark Hammond	3/02/2003	Add tick-marks to the filter dialog.
! Mark Hammond	3/02/2003	Fix SF#677804 ('Untouched fitler command error').

Index: MANIFEST.in
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/MANIFEST.in,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -C2 -d -r1.4 -r1.5
*** MANIFEST.in	25 Jan 2003 19:48:55 -0000	1.4
--- MANIFEST.in	7 Jul 2003 00:09:27 -0000	1.5
*** 6,9 ****
--- 6,10 ----
  recursive-include utilities *.py *.txt
  recursive-include testtools *.py *.txt
+ recursive-include windows *.py *.txt
  include *.txt *.py

Index: WHAT_IS_NEW.txt
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/WHAT_IS_NEW.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -C2 -d -r1.5 -r1.6
*** WHAT_IS_NEW.txt	22 Jun 2003 01:44:53 -0000	1.5
--- WHAT_IS_NEW.txt	7 Jul 2003 00:09:27 -0000	1.6
*** 9,141 ****
  noted in the "Transition" section.
! New in Alpha Release 3
  Outlook Plugin
!  o The Outlook Plugin now works with bsddb[3] databases, and uses them
!    rather than pickles, if available.
!  o The Outlook Plugin now stores files in the "correct" windows directory.
!    These will be automatically migrated.
!  o Show all tokens in message when showing clues in Outlook plugin.
!  o Fix a bug in the Outlook plugin test code.
!  o Only create "Spam" field on mail items in Outlook plugin.
!  o MAPI exceptions are better handled.
!  o Errors when hotmail connector cannot save the message are suppressed.
!  o Tokens are listed one per line in Show Clues.
!  o Messages can be scored after training.
!  o Plugin *may* now work correctly in non-English locales.
!  o Databases are saved after any training operation.
!  o Handle malformed messages better in the Outlook plugin.
!  o In Outlook plugin, create our own toolbar, rather than using the
!    standard one.
!  o Use 'wait' cursor when incremental training in Outlook plugin.
!  o In Outlook plugin, save config when dialog closes and not at shutdown.
!  o Clean up toolbar images.
!  o In Outlook plugin, no longer default to the "Inbox".
!  o In Outlook plugin, when filtering, saving the spam score is no longer
!    fatal.
!  o 2 new [General] options - delete_as_spam_message_state and
!    recover_from_spam_message_state.
!  o Prevent "Deleted items", Outbox and Sent Items from appearing 
!    in the folder list.
!  o Allow either spam or unsure messages to be marked as read as they are filtered.
!  o Significant improvements to the toolbar.
!  o Standardised name from "Anti-Spam" to "Spambayes"
!  o Significant changes to configuration (moving from a pickle to .ini files).
  POP3 Proxy
!  o The POP3 Proxy can now include the classification in the "To" or
!    "Subject" headers, which allows Outlook Express users to perform
!    filtering on the classification.
!  o The POP3 Proxy can add an id (as a header or in the body) to track
!    emails.  This can be used with the SMTP Proxy, or to find a particular
!    message from the web interface.
!  o Added include_score option to (optionally) note the score of the message
!    in a header.
!  o Added level (thermostat) and evidence headers for pop3proxy.
!  o Added pop3proxy_server to allow pop3proxy to run as a Windows service.
!  o Improved configuration page for the user interface.
!  o A "Show Clues" button next to each message in the "Review" page of the
!    web interface.
!  o Messages in the "unknown" cache are expired, just like those in the
!    "ham" and "spam" caches.
!  o Messages are expired (if old enough) each time a client connects to the
!    proxy, rather than on the proxy startup.
!  o pop3proxy_port, pop3proxy_server_name and pop3proxy_server_port options
!    were removed (these were deprecated in Alpha 2).
!  o If a file is removed from the cache (not by the proxy) this no longer
!    causes an exception.
!  o Messages received in quick succession (within the same second) may not
!    have been visible in the "review" page; fixed this.
!  o Added "Refresh" button to "Review" page.
!  o Improved proxying of "STAT" POP3 command so that a guess at the message
!    size is returned.
!  o Web interface encourage browsers not to cache the pages.
!  o Added an option to display who a message is to in the "Review" page.
!  o A new option to correct for a much higher ratio of spam to ham (or
!    vice-versa) is available via the interface page.
!  o Added base message classes for use by all Spambayes applications -
!    currently used by the IMAP filter and POP3 proxy.
!  o Major rework of the configuration file loading and format of Options.py.
!  o Test code moved out of pop3proxy.py.
!  o Web interface code abstracted out of pop3proxy.py.
!  o A version information repository for all applications.
!  o A utility to dump the contents of a CDB database.
!  o -c and -d options to mailsort.py
!  o A basic filter for Lotus Notes.
!  o A SMTP Proxy to allow training via forwarding/bouncing messages.
!  o Various files to test "incremental training" (or "self training").
!  o Option to mkgraph to spit out counts *or* error rates, and n-day
!    averages *or* cumulative.
!  o Note when the subject charset is invalid (rather than raising an
!    exception).
!  o A filter for IMAP.
!  o A script to test the effectiveness of following URLs in messages when
!    insufficient clues are otherwise present.
!  o 'Nonsense' HTML tags are stripped rather than replaced with a space
!    (e.g. Wr<!$FS|i|R3$s80sA >inkle Reduc<!$FS|i|R3$s80sA >tion becomes
!     "Wrinkle" and "Reduction" rather than "Wr", "inkle", "Reduc" and
!     "tion").
!  o Decode numeric character entities so that
!    yo&#117;r se<!XE>p&#116;ic sys&#116;em becomes "your septic system".
!  o <p> and <br> tags are replaced with single blanks.
!  o DB classifier keeps a list of "changed words" to prevent saves from
!    updating *all* words.
!  o DB classifier no longer caches hapaxes.
!  o In muttrc, fix incorrect Spambayes header name.
!  o Integrated code for the VM mailer into spambayes.el
!  o In hammiefilter,  make untrain mode work.
!  o If you are using the Outlook Plugin and a recent bsddb or bsddb3 is
!    available, you will need to do a full retrain.
!  o If you had set the environment variable BAYESCUSTOMIZE to point to more
!    than one configuration file, you will need to change the separator
!    character from a space to the path separator for your platform (a
!    semi-colon on windows, a colon on *nix and a newline on Mac OS9)
!  o If your old configuration file used the pop3proxy_port,
!    pop3proxy_server_name or pop3proxy_server_port options, these will no
!    longer work.  Copy the values in them and use the web interface to
!    update your configuration file.
!  o Your old configuration file more than likely includes deprecated
!    settings.  The old settings will still work for the moment, but you
!    should take the time to update them.  The "convert_config_file.py"
!    script will convert the file for you, without loss of comments, and
!    avoiding whitespace changes where possible.
!  o If you are using POP3 proxy, you should use the web interface to set the
!    location of the "message info" database (a full pathname is
!    recommended).
!  o If you are using POP3 proxy, it is recommended (but not required) that
!    you do a full retrain to take advantage of the "message info" database.
--- 9,55 ----
  noted in the "Transition" section.
! New in Alpha Release 4
  Outlook Plugin
!  o Display a message for "Delete as Spam" or "Recover from Spam" when
!    SpamBayes is not enabled.
!  o The toolbar is now initialized when "Outlook Today" is the default view.
  POP3 Proxy
!  o Fix a bug where long attachments would be broken.
!  o If an exception occurs parsing a message, recover and append a new
!    'exception' header.
!    (This will be added to other SpamBayes applications by the next
!     release).
!  o Stop including the trailing dot in messages.
! IMAP Filter
! -----------
!  o In imapfilter, try to append without flags if appending fails.
!  o Fix the -i switch in imapfilter and an import error.
!  o Don't try and get password from options if -p is specified in imapfilter.
!  o Various changes/improvements to storage.py.
!    Note that this includes a fix for a potentially serious bug introduced
!    in a3 which could result in incorrect token counts.
!  o The web interface (used by pop3proxy and imapfilter) now shows the
!    correct date and time in the footer.
!  o A new stripper to squash yet another way of hiding content in HTML spam,
!    like Ere<frame><noframes>ywl55</noframes></frame>ctions to hide
!    Erections.
! Transition between release a3 and a4 should be seemless.  Refer to the a3
! release for information about transitioning between a2 and a4.
*** 143,149 ****
  The following bugs tracked via the Sourceforge system were fixed:
! 677804, 642740, 685746, 693423, 696995, 696476, 697120, 698852, 700165,
! 704921, 707491, 725307, 725616, 725307, 725466, 726255, 728886, 715248,
! 733247, 737956, 737955, 706170, 737986, 743515, 749277
  A url containing the details of these bugs can be made by appending the
--- 57,61 ----
  The following bugs tracked via the Sourceforge system were fixed:
! 761677, 761670
  A url containing the details of these bugs can be made by appending the
*** 154,160 ****
  Feature Requests Added
! The following feature requests tracked via the Sourceforge system were
! fixed:
! 690928, 703283
  A url containing the details of these feature requests can be made by
--- 66,72 ----
  Feature Requests Added
! The following feature request tracked via the Sourceforge system was
! added:
! 755098
  A url containing the details of these feature requests can be made by

Index: setup.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/setup.py,v
retrieving revision 1.18
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -C2 -d -r1.18 -r1.19
*** setup.py	28 Apr 2003 00:36:03 -0000	1.18
--- setup.py	7 Jul 2003 00:09:27 -0000	1.19
*** 43,46 ****
--- 43,47 ----
+            'notesfilter.py',
          packages = [

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