[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes notesfilter.py,NONE,1.1

Tim Stone timstone4 at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Feb 25 10:25:16 EST 2003

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv21816

Added Files:
Log Message:
This is an initial crack at a Lotus Notes "integration" of Spambayes.  It is
currently tested on Notes 5.0.11, and the term "tested" is used somewhat
loosely.  This is definitely alpha level software, so backup early, backup

This is not a plugin as in the Outlook plugin.  It is a command line program
that interfaces with Notes, applying the Spambayes filter to mail in a Notes
mailbox.  It is working well for me at the moment, and I'm sure I'll find plenty
of things I want to enhance.  I have no plans at the moment for an
Outlookish style plugin for Notes.

--- NEW FILE: notesfilter.py ---
#! /usr/bin/env python

'''notesfilter.py - Lotus Notes Spambayes interface.



    This module uses Spambayes as a filter against a Lotus Notes mail
    database.  The Notes client must be running when this process is
    It requires a Notes folder, named as a parameter, with four
        Train as Spam
        Train as Ham
    It classifies mail that is in the inbox.  Mail that is classified
    as spam is moved to the Spam folder.  Mail that is to be trained
    as spam should be manually moved to that folder by the user.
    Likewise mail that is to be trained as ham.  After training, spam
    is moved to the Spam folder and ham is moved to the Ham folder.
    Because there is no programmatic way to determine if a particular
    mail has been previously processed by this classification program,
    it keeps a pickled dictionary of notes mail ids, so that once a
    mail has been classified, it will not be classified again.  The
    non-existence of is index file, named <local database>.'sbindex',
    indicates to the system that this is the first time it has been
    run.  Rather than classify the inbox in this case, the contents of
    the inbox are placed in the index to note the 'starting point' of
    the system.  After that, any new messages in the inbox are
    eligible for classification.

    notesfilter [options]

	note: option values with spaces in them must be enclosed
	      in double quotes
            -d  dbname  : pickled training database filename
            -D  dbname  : dbm training database filename
            -l  dbname  : database filename of local mail replica
                            e.g. localmail.nsf
            -r  server  : server address of the server mail database
                            e.g. d27ml602/27/M/IBM
                          if specified, will initiate a replication
            -f  folder  : Name of spambayes folder
                            must have subfolders: Spam
                                                  Train as Spam
                                                  Train as Ham
            -t          : train contents of Train as Spam and Train as Ham
            -c          : classify inbox
            -h          : help


    Replicate and classify inbox
        notesfilter -c -d notesbayes -r mynoteserv -l mail.nsf -f Spambayes
    Train Spam and Ham, then classify inbox
        notesfilter -t -c -d notesbayes -l mail.nsf -f Spambayes
    Replicate, then classify inbox      
        notesfilter -c -d test7 -l mail.nsf -r nynoteserv -f Spambayes
To Do:
    o Dump/purge notesindex file
    o Show h:s ratio, make recommendations
    o Create correct folders if they do not exist
    o Options for some of this stuff?
    o pop3proxy style training/configuration interface?
    o Suggestions?

# This module is part of the spambayes project, which is Copyright 2002
# The Python Software Foundation and is covered by the Python Software
# Foundation license.

__author__ = "Tim Stone <tim at fourstonesExpressions.com>"
__credits__ = "Mark Hammond, for his remarkable win32 module."

from __future__ import generators

    True, False
except NameError:
    # Maintain compatibility with Python 2.2
    True, False = 1, 0
    def bool(val):
        return not not val

import sys
from spambayes import tokenizer, storage
from spambayes.Options import options
import cPickle as pickle
import errno
import win32com.client
import getopt

def classifyInbox(v, vmoveto, bayes, ldbname):

    # the notesindex hash ensures that a message is looked at only once

        fp = open("%s.sbindex" % (ldbname), 'rb')
    except IOError, e:
        if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise
        notesindex = {}
        print "notesindex file not found, this is a first time run"
        print "No classification will be performed"
        firsttime = 1
        notesindex = pickle.load(fp)
        firsttime = 0

    docstomove = []
    numham = 0
    numspam = 0
    numuns = 0
    numdocs = 0
    doc = v.GetFirstDocument()
    while doc:
        nid = doc.NOTEID
        if firsttime:
           notesindex[nid] = 'never classified'
            if not notesindex.has_key(nid):

                numdocs += 1
                    subj = doc.GetItemValue('Subject')[0]
                    subj = 'No Subject'

                    body  = doc.GetItemValue('Body')[0]
                    body = 'No Body'

                message = "Subject: %s\r\n%s" % (subj, body)

                # generate_long_skips = True blows up on occ.
                options.generate_long_skips = False
                tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(message)
                prob, clues = bayes.spamprob(tokens, evidence=True)

                if prob < options.ham_cutoff:
                    disposition = options.header_ham_string
                    numham += 1
                elif prob > options.spam_cutoff:
                    disposition = options.header_spam_string
                    docstomove += [doc]
                    numspam += 1
                    disposition = options.header_unsure_string
                    numuns += 1

                notesindex[nid] = disposition

        doc = v.GetNextDocument(doc)

    for doc in docstomove:

    print "%s documents processed" % (numdocs)
    print "   %s classified as spam" % (numspam)
    print "   %s classified as ham" % (numham)
    print "   %s classified as unsure" % (numuns)
    fp = open("timstone.nsf.sbindex", 'wb')
    pickle.dump(notesindex, fp)

def processAndTrain(v, vmoveto, bayes, is_spam):

    if is_spam:
        str = "spam"
        str = "ham"

    print "Training %s" % (str)
    docstomove = []
    doc = v.GetFirstDocument()
    while doc:
            subj = doc.GetItemValue('Subject')[0]
            subj = 'No Subject'

            body  = doc.GetItemValue('Body')[0]
            body = 'No Body'
        message = "Subject: %s\r\n%s" % (subj, body)

        options.generate_long_skips = False
        tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(message)
        bayes.learn(tokens, is_spam)

        docstomove += [doc]

        doc = v.GetNextDocument(doc)

    for doc in docstomove:

    print "%s documents trained" % (len(docstomove))

def run(bdbname, useDBM, ldbname, rdbname, foldname, doTrain, doClassify):

    if useDBM:
        bayes = storage.DBDictClassifier(bdbname)
        bayes = storage.PickledClassifier(bdbname)
    sess = win32com.client.Dispatch("Lotus.NotesSession")
    db = sess.GetDatabase("",ldbname)
    vinbox = db.getView('($Inbox)')
    vspam = db.getView("%s\Spam" % (foldname))
    vham = db.getView("%s\Ham" % (foldname))
    vtrainspam = db.getView("%s\Train as Spam" % (foldname))
    vtrainham = db.getView("%s\Train as Ham" % (foldname))
    if rdbname:
        print "Replicating..."
        print "Done"
    if doTrain:
        processAndTrain(vtrainspam, vspam, bayes, True)
        # for some reason, using inbox as a target here loses the mail
        processAndTrain(vtrainham, vham, bayes, False)
    if doClassify:
        classifyInbox(vinbox, vspam, bayes, ldbname)

if __name__ == '__main__':

        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'htcd:D:l:r:f:')
    except getopt.error, msg:
        print >>sys.stderr, str(msg) + '\n\n' + __doc__

    bdbname = None  # bayes database name
    ldbname = None  # local notes database name
    rdbname = None  # remote notes database location
    sbfname = None  # spambayes folder name
    doTrain = False
    doClassify = False

    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt == '-h':
            print >>sys.stderr, __doc__
        elif opt == '-d':
            useDBM = False
            bdbname = arg
        elif opt == '-D':
            useDBM = True
            bdbname = arg
        elif opt == '-l':
            ldbname = arg
        elif opt == '-r':
            rdbname = arg
        elif opt == '-f':
            sbfname = arg
        elif opt == '-t':
            doTrain = True
        elif opt == '-c':
            doClassify = True

    if (bdbname and ldbname and sbfname and (doTrain or doClassify)):
        run(bdbname, useDBM, ldbname, rdbname, \
            sbfname, doTrain, doClassify)
        print >>sys.stderr, __doc__

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