[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/spambayes UserInterface.py, 1.38, 1.39

Tony Meyer anadelonbrin at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Dec 21 21:31:42 EST 2003

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/spambayes
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv5012/spambayes

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Move OE specific stuff out from UserInterface.py to oe_mailbox.py.

Make PyChecker more happy.

Index: UserInterface.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/spambayes/UserInterface.py,v
retrieving revision 1.38
retrieving revision 1.39
diff -C2 -d -r1.38 -r1.39
*** UserInterface.py	16 Dec 2003 05:06:34 -0000	1.38
--- UserInterface.py	22 Dec 2003 02:31:39 -0000	1.39
*** 519,562 ****
          DBX one is very quick (just a matter of checking the first few
          bytes), and should not alter the overall performance."""
!         dbxStream = StringIO.StringIO(content)
!         header = oe_mailbox.dbxFileHeader(dbxStream)
!         if header.isValid() and header.isMessages():
!             file_info_len = oe_mailbox.dbxFileHeader.FH_FILE_INFO_LENGTH
!             fh_entries = oe_mailbox.dbxFileHeader.FH_ENTRIES
!             fh_ptr = oe_mailbox.dbxFileHeader.FH_TREE_ROOT_NODE_PTR
!             info = oe_mailbox.dbxFileInfo(dbxStream,
!                                           header.getEntry(file_info_len))
!             entries = header.getEntry(fh_entries)
!             address = header.getEntry(fh_ptr)
!             if address and entries:
!                 tree = oe_mailbox.dbxTree(dbxStream, address, entries)
!                 dbxBuffer = ""
!                 for i in range(entries):
!                     address = tree.getValue(i)
!                     messageInfo = oe_mailbox.dbxMessageInfo(dbxStream,
!                                                             address)
!                     if messageInfo.isIndexed(\
!                         oe_mailbox.dbxMessageInfo.MI_MESSAGE_ADDRESS):
!                         address = oe_mailbox.dbxMessageInfo.MI_MESSAGE_ADDRESS
!                         messageAddress = \
!                                        messageInfo.getValueAsLong(address)
!                         message = oe_mailbox.dbxMessage(dbxStream,
!                                                         messageAddress)
!                         # This fakes up a from header to conform to mbox
!                         # standards.  It would be better to extract this
!                         # data from the message itself, as this will
!                         # result in incorrect tokens.
!                         dbxBuffer += "From spambayes at spambayes.org %s\n%s" \
!                                      % (strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S MET %Y",
!                                                  gmtime()), message.getText())
!                 content = dbxBuffer
!         dbxStream.close()
          return content
--- 519,523 ----
          DBX one is very quick (just a matter of checking the first few
          bytes), and should not alter the overall performance."""
!         content = oe_mailbox.convertToMbox(content)
          return content
*** 651,654 ****
--- 612,618 ----
          html.mainContent.configFormContent = ""
          html.mainContent.optionsPathname = optionsPathname
+         return self._buildConfigPageBody(html, parm_map)
+     def _buildConfigPageBody(self, html, parm_map):
          configTable = None
          section = None
*** 716,723 ****
                      # Tim thinks that Yes/No makes more sense than True/False
                      if options.is_boolean(sect, opt):
!                         if val == False:
!                             val = "No"
!                         elif val == True:
                              val = "Yes"
                      newOption.val_label = str(val)
                      newOption.input_box.value = str(val)
--- 680,687 ----
                      # Tim thinks that Yes/No makes more sense than True/False
                      if options.is_boolean(sect, opt):
!                         if val is True:
                              val = "Yes"
+                         elif val is False:
+                             val = "No"
                      newOption.val_label = str(val)
                      newOption.input_box.value = str(val)

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