[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/spambayes Options.py, 1.93, 1.94 classifier.py, 1.18, 1.19 tokenizer.py, 1.22, 1.23

Tony Meyer anadelonbrin at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Dec 17 04:09:55 EST 2003

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/spambayes
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv32014/spambayes

Modified Files:
	Options.py classifier.py tokenizer.py 
Log Message:
Add the basis of a new experimental (and highly debatable) option to 'slurp' URLs.

This is based on the urlslurper.py script in the testtools directory, which in turn
was based on Richard Jowsey's URLSlurper.java.

Basically, when the option is enabled, instead of just tokenizing the URLs in a message,
we also retrieve the content at that address (if it's not text, we ignore it).

When classifying, if the message has a 'raw' score in the unsure range, and if the
number of tokens is less than max_discriminators, and adding these 'slurped' tokens
would push the message into the ham/spam range, then they are used.

When training, the tokens are always added (with the current setup).

Improvements to this (note the XXX sections in particular) most welcome.

Index: Options.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/spambayes/Options.py,v
retrieving revision 1.93
retrieving revision 1.94
diff -C2 -d -r1.93 -r1.94
*** Options.py	17 Dec 2003 05:43:42 -0000	1.93
--- Options.py	17 Dec 2003 09:09:52 -0000	1.94
*** 172,175 ****
--- 172,234 ----
+   # These options are all experimental; it seemed better to put them into
+   # their own category than have several interdependant experimental options.
+   # If this capability is removed, the entire section can go.
+   "URLRetriever" : (
+     ("x-slurp_urls", "Tokenize text content at the end of URLs", False,
+      """If this option is enabled, when a message normally scores in the
+      'unsure' range, and has fewer tokens than the maximum looked at,
+      and contains URLs, then the text at those URLs is obtained and
+      tokenized.  If those tokens result in the message moving to a
+      score outside the 'unsure' range, then they are added to the
+      tokens for the message.  This should be particularly effective
+      for messages that contain only a single URL and no other text.""",
+     ("x-cache_expiry_days", "Number of days to store URLs in cache", 7,
+      """This is the number of days that local cached copies of the text
+      at the URLs will be stored for.""",
+     ("x-cache_directory", "URL Cache Directory", "url-cache",
+      """So that SpamBayes doesn't need to retrieve the same URL
+      over and over again, it stores local copies of the text
+      at the end of the URL.  This is the directory that will be
+      used for those copies.""",
+      PATH, RESTORE),
+     ("x-only_slurp_base", "Retrieve base url", False,
+      """To try and speed things up, and to avoid following unique URLS, if
+      this option is enabled, SpamBayes will convert the URL to as basic a
+      form it we can.  All directory information is removed and the domain
+      is reduced to the two (or three for those with a country TLD) top-most
+      elements.  For example,
+          http://www.massey.ac.nz/~tameyer/index.html?you=me
+      would become
+          http://massey.ac.nz
+      and
+          http://id.example.com
+      would become http://example.com
+      This should have two beneficial effects:
+       o It's unlikely that any information could be contained in this 'base'
+         url that could identify the user (unless they have a *lot* of domains).
+       o Many urls (both spam and ham) will strip down into the same 'base' url.
+         Since we have a limited form of caching, this means that a lot fewer
+         urls will have to be retrieved.
+      However, this does mean that if the 'base' url is hammy and the full is
+      spammy, or vice-versa, that the slurp will give back the wrong information.
+      Whether or not this is the case would have to be determined by testing.
+      """,
+     ("x-web_prefix", "Prefix for tokens from web pages", "",
+      """It may be that what is hammy/spammy for you in email isn't from
+      webpages.  You can then set this option (to "web:", for example),
+      and effectively create an independent (sub)database for tokens
+      derived from parsing web pages.""",
+      r"[\S]+", RESTORE),
+   ),
    # These options control how a message is categorized
    "Categorization" : (

Index: classifier.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/spambayes/classifier.py,v
retrieving revision 1.18
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -C2 -d -r1.18 -r1.19
*** classifier.py	17 Dec 2003 05:43:42 -0000	1.18
--- classifier.py	17 Dec 2003 09:09:52 -0000	1.19
*** 57,60 ****
--- 57,62 ----
  LN2 = math.log(2)       # used frequently by chi-combining
+ slurp_wordstream = []
*** 201,206 ****
              return prob
      if options["Classifier", "use_chi_squared_combining"]:
!         spamprob = chi2_spamprob
      def learn(self, wordstream, is_spam):
--- 203,234 ----
              return prob
+     def slurping_spamprob(self, wordstream, evidence=False):
+         """Do the standard chi-squared spamprob, but if the evidence
+         leaves the score in the unsure range, and we have fewer tokens
+         than max_discriminators, also generate tokens from the text
+         obtained by following http URLs in the message."""
+         h_cut = options["Categorization", "ham_cutoff"]
+         s_cut = options["Categorization", "spam_cutoff"]
+         # Get the raw score.        
+         prob, clues = self.chi2_spamprob(wordstream, True)
+         # If necessary, enhance it with the tokens from whatever is
+         # at the URL's destination.
+         if len(clues) < options["Classifier", "max_discriminators"] and \
+            prob > h_cut and prob < s_cut:
+             sprob, sclues = self.chi2_spamprob(slurp_wordstream, True)
+             if sprob < h_cut or sprob > s_cut:
+                 prob = sprob
+                 clues = sclues
+         if evidence:
+             return prob, clues
+         return prob
      if options["Classifier", "use_chi_squared_combining"]:
!         if options["URLRetriever", "x-slurp_urls"]:
!             spamprob = slurping_spamprob
!         else:
!             spamprob = chi2_spamprob
      def learn(self, wordstream, is_spam):
*** 213,216 ****
--- 241,246 ----
          if options["Classifier", "x-use_bigrams"]:
              wordstream = self._enhance_wordstream(wordstream)
+         if options["URLRetriever", "x-slurp_urls"]:
+             wordstream = self._add_slurped(wordstream)
          self._add_msg(wordstream, is_spam)
*** 222,225 ****
--- 252,257 ----
          if options["Classifier", "x-use_bigrams"]:
              wordstream = self._enhance_wordstream(wordstream)
+         if options["URLRetriever", "x-slurp_urls"]:
+             wordstream = self._add_slurped(wordstream)
          self._remove_msg(wordstream, is_spam)
*** 483,486 ****
--- 515,527 ----
                  yield "bi:%s %s" % (last, token)
              last = token
+     def _add_slurped(self, wordstream):
+         """Add tokens generated by 'slurping' (i.e. tokenizing
+         the text at the web pages pointed to by URLs in messages)
+         to the wordstream."""
+         for token in wordstream:
+             yield token
+         for token in slurp_wordstream:
+             yield token
      def _wordinfokeys(self):

Index: tokenizer.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/spambayes/tokenizer.py,v
retrieving revision 1.22
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -C2 -d -r1.22 -r1.23
*** tokenizer.py	16 Dec 2003 05:06:34 -0000	1.22
--- tokenizer.py	17 Dec 2003 09:09:52 -0000	1.23
*** 19,22 ****
--- 19,33 ----
      from compatsets import Set
+ # XXX At time of writing, these are only necessary for the
+ # XXX experimental url retrieving/slurping code.  If that
+ # XXX gets ripped out, either rip these out, or run
+ # XXX PyChecker over the code.
+ import sys
+ import socket
+ import pickle
+ import urllib2
+ from spambayes import classifier
+ from email import message_from_string
+ # XXX ---- ends ----
  from spambayes.Options import options
*** 995,999 ****
          return tokens
! crack_urls = URLStripper().analyze
  # Nuke HTML <style gimmicks.
--- 1006,1260 ----
          return tokens
! DOMAIN_AND_PORT_RE = re.compile(r"([^:/\\]+)(:([\d]+))?")
! HTTP_ERROR_RE = re.compile(r"HTTP Error ([\d]+)")
! URL_KEY_RE = re.compile(r"[\W]")
! class SlurpingURLStripper(URLStripper):
!     def __init__(self):
!         URLStripper.__init__(self)
!         self.setup_done = False
!         self.do_slurp = True
!     def setup(self):
!         # Can't import this at the top because it's circular.
!         # XXX Someone smarter than me, please figure out the right
!         # XXX way to do this.
!         from spambayes.FileCorpus import ExpiryFileCorpus, FileMessageFactory
!         username = options["globals", "proxy_username"]
!         password = options["globals", "proxy_password"]
!         server = options["globals", "proxy_server"]
!         if server:
!             # Build a new opener that uses a proxy requiring authorization
!             proxy_support = urllib2.ProxyHandler({"http" : \
!                                                   "http://%s:%s@%s:%d" % \
!                                                   (username, password,
!                                                    server, port)})
!             opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_support,
!                                           urllib2.HTTPHandler)
!         else:
!             # Build a new opener without any proxy information.
!             opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPHandler)
!         # Install it
!         urllib2.install_opener(opener)
!         # Setup the cache for retrieved urls
!         age = options["URLRetriever", "x-cache_expiry_days"]*24*60*60
!         dir = options["URLRetriever", "x-cache_directory"]
!         if not os.path.exists(dir):
!             # Create the directory.
!             if options["globals", "verbose"]:
!                 print >>sys.stderr, "Creating URL cache directory"
!             os.makedirs(dir)
!         self.urlCorpus = ExpiryFileCorpus(age, FileMessageFactory(),
!                                           dir, cacheSize=20)
!         # Kill any old information in the cache
!         self.urlCorpus.removeExpiredMessages()
!         # Setup caches for unretrievable urls
!         self.bad_url_cache_name = os.path.join(dir, "bad_urls.pck")
!         self.http_error_cache_name = os.path.join(dir, "http_error_urls.pck")
!         if os.path.exists(self.bad_url_cache_name):
!             b_file = file(self.bad_url_cache_name, "r")
!             self.bad_urls = pickle.load(b_file)
!             b_file.close()
!         else:
!             self.bad_urls = {"url:non_resolving": (),
!                         "url:non_html": (),
!                         "url:unknown_error": ()}
!         if os.path.exists(self.http_error_cache_name):
!             h_file = file(self.http_error_cache_name, "r")
!             self.http_error_urls = pickle.load(h_file)
!             h_file.close()
!         else:
!             self.http_error_urls = {}
!     def _save_caches(self):
!         # XXX Note that these caches are never refreshed, which might not
!         # XXX be a good thing long-term (if a previously invalid URL
!         # XXX becomes valid, for example).
!         b_file = file(self.bad_url_cache_name, "w")
!         pickle.dump(self.bad_urls, b_file)
!         b_file.close()
!         h_file = file(self.http_error_cache_name, "w")
!         pickle.dump(self.http_error_urls, h_file)
!         h_file.close()
!     def tokenize(self, m):
!         # XXX A weakness of this is that the text from URLs is
!         # XXX always retrieved, even if it won't be used (if the
!         # XXX raw score is outside unsure, for example).  The
!         # XXX problem is that when tokenizing, we have no idea
!         # XXX what the score of the message should be, and so
!         # XXX if we need the tokens or not.  But when calculating
!         # XXX the spamprob, we have no idea what the content of
!         # XXX the message is - just the tokens we generated from it
!         # XXX (and we can't reverse-engineer the URLs from that).
!         # XXX I've (Tony) played around with various ways to get
!         # XXX around this, but can't really come up with anything
!         # XXX good, apart from moving the decision whether to
!         # XXX recalculate the score 'higher' up (out of classifier's
!         # XXX spamprob()), but then it seems that code in a *lot*
!         # XXX of places will need to be changed to call the new
!         # XXX function; not nice given that this is experimental.
!         # XXX Either someone else will point out a good way to do this
!         # XXX or it can be moved higher up if this ever makes it out
!         # XXX of experimental status.
!         # XXX This might not matter so much because of the local
!         # XXX cache of the 'slurped' content, especially if the cache
!         # XXX isn't set to expire content regularly, and if your ham
!         # XXX (likely) and spam (unlikely) messages tend to have the
!         # XXX same URLs in them, and only unsure change.
!         # XXX Also note that the 'slurped' tokens are *always* trained
!         # XXX on; it would be simple to change/parameterize this.
!         if not self.setup_done:
!             self.setup()
!             self.setup_done = True
!         tokens = URLStripper.tokenize(self, m)
!         if not (options["URLRetriever", "x-slurp_urls"] and \
!            self.do_slurp):
!             return tokens
!         # We don't want to do this recursively and check URLs
!         # on webpages, so we have this little cheat.
!         self.do_slurp = False
!         proto, guts = m.groups()
!         if proto != "http":
!             return tokens
!         assert guts
!         while guts and guts[-1] in '.:;?!/)':
!             guts = guts[:-1]
!         classifier.slurp_wordstream = self.slurp(proto, guts)
!         self.do_slurp = True
!         self._save_caches()
!         return tokens
!     def slurp(self, proto, url):
!         # We generate these tokens:
!         #  url:non_resolving
!         #  url:non_html
!         #  url:http_XXX (for each type of http error encounted,
!         #                for example 404, 403, ...)
!         # And tokenise the received page (but we do not slurp this).
!         # Actually, the special url: tokens barely showed up in my testing,
!         # although I would have thought that they would more - this might
!         # be due to an error, although they do turn up on occasion.  In
!         # any case, we have to do the test, so generating an extra token
!         # doesn't cost us anything apart from another entry in the db, and
!         # it's only two entries, plus one for each type of http error
!         # encountered, so it's pretty neglible.
!         if options["URLRetriever", "x-only_slurp_base"]:
!             url = self._base_url(url)
!         # Check the unretrievable caches
!         for err in self.bad_urls.keys():
!             if url in self.bad_urls[err]:
!                 return [err]
!         if self.http_error_urls.has_key(url):
!             return self.http_error_urls[url]
!         # We check if the url will resolve first
!         mo = DOMAIN_AND_PORT_RE.match(url)
!         domain = mo.group(1)
!         if mo.group(3) is None:
!             port = 80
!         else:
!             port = mo.group(3)
!         try:
!             not_used = socket.getaddrinfo(domain, port)
!         except socket.error:
!             self.bad_urls["url:non_resolving"] += (url,)
!             return ["url:non_resolving"]
!         # If the message is in our cache, then we can just skip over
!         # retrieving it from the network, and get it from there, instead.
!         url_key = URL_KEY_RE.sub('_', url)
!         cached_message = self.urlCorpus.get(url_key)
!         if cached_message is None:
!             # We're going to ignore everything that isn't text/html,
!             # so we might as well not bother retrieving anything with
!             # these extensions.
!             parts = url.split('.')
!             if parts[-1] in ('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'css', 'js'):
!                 self.bad_urls["url:non_html"] += (url,)
!                 return ["url:non_html"]
!             try:
!                 if options["globals", "verbose"]:
!                     print >>sys.stderr, "Slurping", url
!                 f = urllib2.urlopen("%s://%s" % (proto, url))
!             except (urllib2.URLError, socket.error), details:
!                 mo = HTTP_ERROR_RE.match(str(details))
!                 if mo:
!                     self.http_error_urls[url] = "url:http_" + mo.group(1)
!                     return ["url:http_" + mo.group(1)]
!                 self.bad_urls["url:unknown_error"] += (url,)
!                 return ["url:unknown_error"]
!             # Anything that isn't text/html is ignored
!             content_type = f.info().get('content-type')
!             if content_type is None or \
!                not content_type.startswith("text/html"):
!                 self.bad_urls["url:non_html"] += (url,)
!                 return ["url:non_html"]
!             page = f.read()
!             headers = str(f.info())
!             f.close()
!             fake_message_string = headers + "\r\n" + page
!             # Retrieving the same messages over and over again will tire
!             # us out, so we store them in our own wee cache.
!             message = self.urlCorpus.makeMessage(url_key)
!             message.setPayload(fake_message_string)
!             self.urlCorpus.addMessage(message)
!         else:
!             fake_message_string = cached_message.as_string()
!         msg = message_from_string(fake_message_string)
!         # We don't want to do full header tokenising, as this is
!         # optimised for messages, not webpages, so we just do the
!         # basic stuff.
!         bht = options["Tokenizer", "basic_header_tokenize"]
!         bhto = options["Tokenizer", "basic_header_tokenize_only"]
!         options["Tokenizer", "basic_header_tokenize"] = True
!         options["Tokenizer", "basic_header_tokenize_only"] = True
!         tokens = Tokenizer().tokenize(msg)
!         pf = options["URLRetriever", "x-web_prefix"]
!         tokens = ["%s%s" % (pf, tok) for tok in tokens]
!         # Undo the changes
!         options["Tokenizer", "basic_header_tokenize"] = bht
!         options["Tokenizer", "basic_header_tokenize_only"] = bhto
!         return tokens
!     def _base_url(self, url):
!         # To try and speed things up, and to avoid following
!         # unique URLS, we convert the URL to as basic a form
!         # as we can - so http://www.massey.ac.nz/~tameyer/index.html?you=me
!         # would become http://massey.ac.nz and http://id.example.com
!         # would become http://example.com
!         url += '/'
!         domain, garbage = url.split('/', 1)
!         parts = domain.split('.')
!         if len(parts) > 2:
!             base_domain = parts[-2] + '.' + parts[-1]
!             if len(parts[-1]) < 3:
!                 base_domain = parts[-3] + '.' + base_domain
!         else:
!             base_domain = domain
!         return base_domain
! if options["URLRetriever", "x-slurp_urls"]:
!     crack_urls = SlurpingURLStripper().analyze
! else:
!     crack_urls = URLStripper().analyze
  # Nuke HTML <style gimmicks.

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