[Spambayes-checkins] website faq.txt,1.37,1.38

Skip Montanaro montanaro at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Aug 25 13:26:10 EDT 2003

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/website
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv16019

Modified Files:
Log Message:
refer to my latest VM training commands instead of those I abandoned a
couple months ago.

Index: faq.txt
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/website/faq.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.37
retrieving revision 1.38
diff -C2 -d -r1.37 -r1.38
*** faq.txt	20 Aug 2003 01:12:16 -0000	1.37
--- faq.txt	25 Aug 2003 19:26:08 -0000	1.38
*** 319,340 ****
  ~/.vm file::
!     (defun copy-to-spam ()
!       (interactive)
        (vm-save-message (expand-file-name "~/tmp/newspam"))
!       (vm-undelete-message 1))
!     (defun copy-to-nonspam ()
!       (interactive)
        (vm-save-message (expand-file-name "~/tmp/newham"))
!       (vm-undelete-message 1))
!     (define-key vm-mode-map "ls" 'copy-to-spam)
!     (define-key vm-summary-mode-map "ls" 'copy-to-spam)
!     (define-key vm-mode-map "lh" 'copy-to-nonspam)
!     (define-key vm-summary-mode-map "lh" 'copy-to-nonspam)
  Typing "ls" will save a copy of the current message to ~/tmp/newspam and
  "lh" will save a copy of the current message to ~/tmp/newham.  You can then
! use those files later as arguments to hammie.py for training.
  Users limited to POP3/IMAP communications to the server can use the POP3_ or
--- 319,346 ----
  ~/.vm file::
!   (defun train-as-spam ()
!     (interactive)
!     (let ((vm-delete-after-saving nil))
        (vm-save-message (expand-file-name "~/tmp/newspam"))
!       (vm-add-message-labels "trained" 1))
!     (vm-pipe-message-to-command "hammiefilter.py -s >/dev/null" nil))
!   (defun train-as-nonspam ()
!     (interactive)
!     (let ((vm-delete-after-saving nil))
        (vm-save-message (expand-file-name "~/tmp/newham"))
!       (vm-add-message-labels "trained" 1))
!     (vm-pipe-message-to-command "hammiefilter.py -g >/dev/null" nil))
!   (define-key vm-mode-map "ls" 'train-as-spam)
!   (define-key vm-summary-mode-map "ls" 'train-as-spam)
!   (define-key vm-mode-map "lh" 'train-as-nonspam)
!   (define-key vm-summary-mode-map "lh" 'train-as-nonspam)
  Typing "ls" will save a copy of the current message to ~/tmp/newspam and
  "lh" will save a copy of the current message to ~/tmp/newham.  You can then
! use those files later as arguments to hammie.py for training.  Both commands
! also add a "trained" label to the message in question as a visual reminder
! that you've already added the message to your training database.
  Users limited to POP3/IMAP communications to the server can use the POP3_ or

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